so bummed today!
I'm not sure Tammy, but I would imagine they just want to make sure you are in the BEST possible health before putting you under for so long.
Who knows? It may be NOTHING.... either way, it's best that you have it checked, even if you were NOT having surgery.....
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Keep us posted!
Tammy, I'm sure it feels like a one more hoop to jump through now....but this is very important staff you (they) need to find out one way or the other.... it's not something to be ignored.....most likely though you will pass the stress test and you will have your sugery as planned, ...
and even if they find things that are consistent with coronary artery disease, it's better to be known than unknown if you have it , and there are lots of options for treatment.....
I do hope you will get your cardiologist "OK" for surgery on 11/2.... best wishes, Rita.