REPOST- Want to be a secret pal! Everyone Welcome!
(deactivated member)
on 10/22/05 12:47 pm - Waleska, GA
on 10/22/05 12:47 pm - Waleska, GA
Would anyone be interseted in starting a secret pal program?
I think this would be alot of fun! If I get alot of response
let's do it! I think it would be a great way to get to know
someone better.
I will come up with an e mail form and send it out to all who
are intersted and then you can e mail it back to me. Then I will
draw them at random for everyone and email you your pal! We could
keep them for say six months and then do it again! What do you think?
I for one have been a hermit lately and want to get out of this funk
I am in and thought this would be fun!!
Respond and let's all find a pal!!
Everyone loves surprises! Get involved with the fun Secret Pal Program
and form a secret friendship with another GA OH member. Enjoy secretly
giving and receiving throughout the year until your secret pal is revealed
next year!
2. Your Secret Pal will be emailed to you the first week in
November of this year. I will draw the names randomly and then
email you your pals completed form.
3. Please let your Secret Pal know that you exist (e.g. send a note
or gift) by Thanksgiving.
4. There is no minimum you have to spend as long as you are participating-Cards,
Postcards, etc are ok. Please remember that you are required to send something
in the mail according to the theme by the 15th of every month! Each Month is a
new theme. You have to send something theme related every month. It doesn't have
to be expensive, try to keep under $10 for the theme gift. You will receive a list
of themes when you receive your PAL! Please keep in mind you can send other things
any other time that you wish, especially during "special" times that affect your pal.
This is to assure contact being made at least once a month! Watch the board for ideas,
and events happening in your pals life!
5. It is not a requirement to send something every month other than the theme gift,
however, the whole point is to form a secret friendship and build anticipation for
your Secret Pal.
6. Be creative with your gifts! In addition to purchased gifts, consider sending
notes, poetry, discount coupons, newspaper articles, a favorite recipe, etc.
anything that would appeal specifically to your Secret Pal. Homemade crafts or
baked goods might be appreciated and very special!
Under the headings *GIFT IDEAS* and *ADDITIONAL INFORMATION*, include information
about your favorite activities and passions that will help your Secret Pal choose
gifts that you will really like and use such as a favorite snack, renting or going
to movies, bath goodies, scented candles, stationary, cooking, etc. Be specific, it
will benefit you!
7. Please, ALWAYS remember to acknowledge a received gift from your Secret Pal
by posting on the board.
8. Following are some examples of occasions to remember your Secret Pal:
Valentine*s Day
St. Patrick*s Day
Mother*s/Father*s Day
Family Birthdays
Just Because
Whenever a little pick me up might be needed!
9. Please email me if your Secret Pal doesn't seem to be participating
(i.e., you haven't received anything at all or not for quite a while).
Please inform me of any problem as soon as you are certain there is one.
Secret Pals will be reassigned if appropriate.
10. Your Secret Pal will be revealed at a get together that we will plan
together between Thanksgiving and Christmas in 2006. (typically Secret
Pals bring each other one last gift valued at $25).
Please email me at
[email protected]
to receive your form!!
***special thanks to Jen from the MI board for helping me with this!***
Secret Pal Monthly Themes.....................
Each month is a theme as you will see below. All it really requires is
some creativity and imagination. It's also a way to make sure everybody
is getting something once a month. There is a $10 limit on theme gifts.
The exception will be the reveal gift at the end of the year. The limit
for that one is $25.
November: ~ Bring in the Harvest
Do you know someone who does canning? Do you? If not that's o.k. a lot of
the specialty stores carry local sugar free creations. Not possible either?
That's o.k. a little prize in a mason jar or some yummy fall recipes will do
the trick. The possibilities are endless!
December: ~ A few of my favorite things!
This is your chance to show your pal what YOU like!! Nothing huge maybe
a favorite chapstick or book or magazine or movie (wal mart has a huge selection
for 4.88 )etc.
January: ~ Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!
Anything to do with snow or ways to deal with it! Could be anything from a
snowman to a snowscraper!!
February: ~ Love, Love, Love Sweets for my sweet!
Love comes in many forms!! Valentines Day isn't just for lovers!! I think
it's a great way to show love to anyone who needs it. Something gooey and
sweet is the way to go, homemade or not!
March: ~Lions & Lambs
In like a Lion Out Like a lamb... This saying has been around forever for March!!
April: ~ April Showers.....
It's time for showers!! But we are gonna celebrate a different kind!!
What do you think your pal will enjoy for her bath or shower?
May: ~....Bring may flowers
Anything from dried flowers to floral print stationery!!
June: ~Help me I'm melting!!
Help your pal deal with this Georgia heat!
July: ~ Americana-All things American
Anything to remind your pal that this is independence month!
August: ~Vacation Time!
Where does your pal wanna go on vacation? Check your form and whisk her away!
September: ~ Movie Night
Could be a blockbuster card for a free movie and goodies to enjoy from
it or a classic dvd
October: ~ Witches, Ghosts and Pumpkins oh my!!
What a fun time of year!! The possibilities are endless!
Just have fun with it!!!!!!
Be creative and if you can do it homemade
Go for it!!!!!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 10/23/05 2:03 pm - Waleska, GA
on 10/23/05 2:03 pm - Waleska, GA
Hey Valarie,
I got your e mail but it was blank?! Please send it again. I hope to have everyones answers in by the first of Novemeber and then get those back out to you that week so be on the lookout it's headed your way!
(deactivated member)
on 10/23/05 1:49 pm - Waleska, GA
on 10/23/05 1:49 pm - Waleska, GA
Hi Tami,
Thank You, that is vey sweet!
I wished I had made it to Saturday night's gathering but I chickened out!! Silly Huh! I want to try to amke it to the next one. I am looking forward to meeting you all too!!
(deactivated member)
on 10/23/05 2:04 pm - Waleska, GA
on 10/23/05 2:04 pm - Waleska, GA
Thanks Tami,
I sent you an e mail hope you got it!