Becky Farmer
and you have hugged me many times sweet friend.
I won't be coming to the dinner tomorrow. I would love to meet you face to face but I am going to be honest here and tell you I am going through a weird phase. Like, I would never drive to this dinner, certainly never would come alone. Now I am a strong woman, who use to drive back and forth to Indiana from GA 4 times a year. ALONE.
Now I'm kind of a stay at home person and am very family oriented and just don't have, I don't know, the umph or energy to do things.
I'm having a hard time eating and I imagine that once that gets better I'll have more energy and hopefully return to myself. I guess I'm still self concious (sp?) too. I didn't even go to the Macon get together for fear of not 'fitting' in.
So, thats the ugly truth Becky. Y'all on this board are the closest thing I have to friends except for my 2 sisters and my 3 kids. My sweeties family is nice too but we only get together as families. I am very blessed to have all of you on this board and ask that ya be patient with me. One day I will come out of this durn cocoon and be butterflies with the rest of you.
You are always in my prayers, and always ask for Gods blessings on us all.
So glad to see you here.
love, Barb