feeling sick and tired

on 10/14/05 12:50 am - suwanee, GA
Hello my Fellow WLS-followers. I need a shoulder to cry on......I've been sick for the last 2 weekswithout getting any better.... it's nothing serious...persistant drainage down my throat and I'm coughing liake a maniac and that has me and my exhausted (and my poor hubby too since I awaken him up with my mad coughing spells even if I sleep across the hall). I'm not particularly worrried about this thing.... but I'm just not used to being sick with this small staff for so long....I used to have very strong immune system,hardly ever get any colds, and be able to take any meds, and they all worked before..... Now it's all different story....cough syrup makes me sick to my stomach, yet does very little to my cough, but sure makes me feel drunk and groggy even the next morning if I took it at night... I know it's all not that big of a deal.... but I'm so tired, and don't see an end to it or atleast even a slight improvement...I also sound hoarse (some call it "sexy"). And I need to talk with people at work, and it's hard.... I guess I 've been crying on shoulder enough... time to snap out of it...... thank you forlistening/reading it...best wishes to all of you, Rita.
on 10/14/05 1:27 am - Savannah, GA
Rita.... Hunny! I hope that you kick that cold in the you know what and feel better soon... lots of hugs, Michelle
on 10/14/05 3:49 am - suwanee, GA
Hey Michelle....I wish I could just physically do that..lol... Rita. P.S.Are you going to come next week?
on 10/14/05 7:04 am - Savannah, GA
... I cant girl. Every year some girlfirends and I meet in NYC for christmas shopping...and thats the weekend of the meeting! ! I am so super bummed! I will def be there next month..and I hope to meet you!
on 10/14/05 11:34 am - suwanee, GA
wow.... sounds cool....have a great time...I'm sure you will
on 10/14/05 1:39 am - Stockbridge, GA
Hey! This is nothing to feel bad about. There's a new virus out that will start out as a cough but changes into a bronocol infection in a few days. Go to your doctor if you're not careful you can get phenuomia. My family has been battling this virus for over 3 weeks it can & will make you real sick. Sorry for the bad news; however, the bright side is that with medication it will get better. Take care, drink plenty of herbal tea! Karen
on 10/14/05 3:56 am - suwanee, GA
thanks Karen....I have to be dead before I see my PCP... or take prescription pills.....I've always been that way......I'm good about counseling my patients (I'm practicing PA) on how they should take charge of their treatment and be compliant (not politically correct term) with their medical regimen, etc., but I'm bad myself.....I'm a "bearfoot shoemaker" as my mom always said..
on 10/14/05 1:48 am - Duluth, GA
Hey Rita! THAT's WHAT WE ARE HERE FOR!! If you can't come to the Ga. Gang and whine a little, WHERE CAN YA GO! LOL! I hope you are feeling better soon... I agree, you probably should check with the doc, and maybe he/she can offer you some meds that won't make you feel worse, and kick this junk out of ya!! Don't let the chest cold go too long...I'm an asthmatic, and know how quickly stuff like that can turn into pnuemonia... Take care of you, and if you need to cry some more, you just come on back now, ya hear? Tami
on 10/14/05 4:03 am - suwanee, GA
Thank you, Tami.... I know I can count on you gyus.... and what's more important you guys would be able to relate better than my nonWLS friends and family (whom I love dearly anyway ) As for my Dr..... my PCP... she is absolutly ignorant of WLS, so I can't count on her....maybe I should talk to Chris at dr. Procter's? and they offer something that agrees with WLS and work for cough?..... oh.... that's an idea.... well, thank you, Tami again.. P.S. hope to see you nxt week. Rita.
Becky F
on 10/14/05 11:19 am - Woodstock, GA
Hi, Rita, Some meds that have worked for me since surgery are the Tylenol products. The Tylenol Cold is great. I take only one capsule instead of two. If your throat hurts, the Tylenol Sore Throat stuff works too...half a dose for me. Tylenol never did anything for me before surgery. Thank goodness, it works now. Hope you feel better soon!!! Hugs, Becky
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