on 10/5/05 9:28 am - Duluth, GA
Well, I've been pretty hungry until the 8th inning of the Braves game, and now I'm pretty nauseous!! Ohhhh myyyyy......*sigh* OK... I've eaten GOOD things, but I'm over my calories and over my carbs. I am so frustrated. I was at almost 1000 calories by 3:00 today. B: Quakes Rice Cakes - This was a mistake first thing in the morning. I started the day with carbs. Protein Shake - 40g protein with skim milk Coffee with splenda S: Strawberries with splenda. About a cup. A couple of handfuls of grapes. L: I DID NOT participate in the festivities today at work (We are doing a different celebration each day for National Customer Service Week... oh..I'm feeling nauseous again! LOL) Ok...DIDN'T eat the chicken wings or sandwiches, no chips, no cookies. I had a Chunky Sirloin Soup - so I could keep up with my nutritional info S: MORE GRAPES.... AND some Soy Crisps. D: Well- I have no calories left, and I KNOW when I get home from work (yes, I AM still at the office) I will be hunting for something. I'll take any suggestions you may have. WHAT DID YOU EAT TODAY??
on 10/5/05 11:01 am
B - coffee... l - 6" subway roasted chicken sandwich, bag of potatoe chips, and sweet tea s - corn dog (yeah - SO not good for ya....but...) d - Tuna Moodle casserole somewhere in there I drank water...not much - but I did...and another glass of tea with dinner. Okay - I was wondering why I'm so hungry all the time - I get NO REAL protein in my day.... Goal for tomorrow - drink a protein drink and up my water.... Will I make it???? The saga continues
on 10/5/05 11:03 am
Moodle - is really NOODLE.....UGH I also forgot that I ate (so far) two amoxicillan pills and two vicoden pills....GOTTA LOVE pain killers. At least my tooth dosen't hurt!
on 10/5/05 9:58 pm - Jefferson, GA
Bad day for me According to Fitday 1231 calories, 72 Fat, 70 Carbs, 77 protein. The fat grams killed me ! B- 7:00 AM scrambled egg 2 strips bacon S. Hungry at 10:30AM- Had a protein bar L.12:00 Buddig Turkey Sugar free Pudding S- Hungry at 3:00 ANother Buddig Turkey D-6:00 PM- Went to Moes. Had a full Monty naked. Only ate the steak and some of the chips. S=8:30PM- Ate about an oz and a half of mixed nuts. THose dang nuts were my killer yesterday !!!!!!!!!!! I would have been fine without those nuts. 21 fat grams and 260 calories !~ And if I had passed on the bacon,... I would have been better off ! But, it is a new day and I will do better
on 10/6/05 1:49 am - Duluth, GA
I was GOOD yesterday (for the first time in months!!!) b - oatmeal & a plum l - Healthy Choice entree s - smart pop mini bag d - salad w/shrimp & carb control dressing; banana In fitday - 862 cal, 124 carbs (!) and 62 prot. I did NOT drink enough water, but other than that, not too bad. So far today - oatmeal for breakfast, another HC entree for lunch (well, I will be eating it). I've also calculated in having some applesauce this afternoon. Tonight I'm having steak & baked potato (probably sweet pot for me!). It's our anniversary so we are celebrating!! 26 years!! (yikes!) I've already put everything in fitday and it's 930 cal, 101 carbs & 78 prot. Now, I just need to get in all my water!! Biggest problem today - couldn't walk this morning 'cause of the rain. Pooh. Maybe tomorrow! Ann in Duluth
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