Hey girl... I talked to Ginny yesterday. She sent me the following....(below)
I called her back though, cuz this indicates a maintenance type routine and I still want to LOSE. She says this is still appropriate for losing, just stay on the LOW end of the scale. She says at this point (me being a year and almost a half out) I should not go below 1000 calories.
She also indicated I still need about 1000/1200 mg of calcium. She also said that me drinking my protein shake first thing in the morning (as my breakfast) is a very good idea if I am still trying to lose.
So here it is. AND fyi... I have started back to FITDAY.com to get a handle on what I am REALLY putting in my mouth - carbs vs protein vs fat, etc. # calories, etc. It made a difference last night, when I KNEW I was at my max for calories... Didn't stop me COMPLETELY, but did help.
Here ya go...
Distribution of Nutrients
After Achieving Weight Loss Goal
You have achieved your goal! Congratulations!! The key now is maintaining your weight loss. Here is the distribution of nutrients to help you in your maintenance phase:
Calories: 1000 -1200/day
Protein: 75 - 100 grams/day
Carbohydrate: 100 - 120 grams/day
Fat: 33 - 35 grams/day