Hi There! On Briefly!
Good Morning,
I just wanted to try to stop in for a quick minuet. I'm doing OK, (I hope). I don't have enough energy to go through posts to see how far up to speed everyone is so I'll do a fast update. First thing is WOW, they changed the OH format since I posted last. LOL.
Well, surgery went pretty much as expected, I think. I didn't get into the OR until about 8AM, and was done about 3:30PM. I did have a severe bout of dehydration coming out of the OR so didn't get up to a room until almost 6:30. They had to give me something with an A to try to rehydrate me and get a better urine output and when it didn't work they gave me Lacix which did the job.
Found out last week from Dr Smith's nurse when we called for refills on my pain meds that he took 95% of my old stomach/VBG. Weird though, the most pain I had in post op was the bottoms and sides of my feet, incision didn't hurt too bad! Apparently they had to have the table (and me) on a 60% angle to do the procedure and because I was barefoot on the metal so long they got kinda chaffed! Yes, they did have to cut me, my incision is about 10 inches long, I do have a colostomy/foley bag but the past few days I haven't had to drain it too much. The more I do the longer it stays on.
We go down on the 4th and hopefully get it out along with the twenty some stitches in the incision. Began having some 'normal' functions and feelin as well as I should be. When I was in the hospital they had to do sugar test (finger *****s) every three hours, my sugar was TOTALLY out of control. ranging from 37 - 214. We did get it under control though. Also I ended up having a boatload of heparin from small clots forming in my legs, did a couple ultrasounds on my legs and a few chest X. Rays and heart ultra sounds. Everything is OK now as well. Now if I could get rid of these DANG bruises! I am literally BLACK from the shoulders down to each finger tips, both sides of both arms. Only things NOT bruised are my palms!
I've begun eating some. Baby food, smashed taters, yogurt, even cottage cheese. I've lost some of my sense of smell and taste but it is slowly coming back. Just kind of taking it easy and slow, and it will eventually pass. To be honest I haven't got on a scale yet but everyone says all ready my face is slimming down. well, no food and sleep basically 24/7 will do that, hehehe. I have got a lot of my color back and the black circles from under my eyes are gone! I look healthier all ready! I can't believe HOW sick I got pre op and am just thankful it is behind me and I am on my way BACK to where I once was!
I'll try to post more later but sitting too long is killing me. Huggs to everyone! Lisa
Hi Lisa!
Sooo glad to hear from you and such an upbeat message!
You know, we all hear that there are instances where things just don't go swimmingly, but I REALLY hate this had to happen to you!!
I pray that you will be well and on those ol' chaffed feet REAL SUPER SOON!!
Take care girl, and remember, we are here for you if we can do anything!