on 9/27/05 9:00 pm - Duluth, GA
Hey Rachel! Girl..we gotta get you out more, if my pathetic eating habits are a source of entertainment to you! LOL! I'm just kidding!! (Hope you are gonna come to the get together in Duluth...I'd love to meet you!) Anyhooz...Yeah, looks like you did great!! Jus****ch them thar french fries!! They are EVIL! LOL! Tami
on 9/28/05 3:08 am - suwanee, GA
Hey Tami....I must admit that I find your posts to be my source of entertaiment too... and I'm looking forward to seeing them....And trust me I have lots of things going on in my life between full time job, hubby, 2 boys, one of whom isa toddler, friends, trips etc. but I'm still checking the board a few times a week, and can count on getting a laugh ot atleast a chuckle after reading your posts...(and a few other people too)....so thanks.... all the best,rita
on 9/28/05 5:55 am - Duluth, GA
Well, if I can get a smile on someone's face, then my work here is done!LOL!! You DO have your hands full!! I have a full time (dbl full time lately) 2 boys, one in college and one in high school, GOT RID OF THE HUBBY 13yrs ago!! He was just tooooo much trouble! LOL! friends, BASEBALL!! and my honey.... So I can relate girl...you are moving all the time!! Can't wait to meet you soon!! Tami
on 9/27/05 4:40 pm - Augusta, GA
Today was the worst eating day I have had since surgery. I don't know if I am PMSing or what... but I ate nothing but crap. B - sausage, egg and cheese biscuit from McDonalds (minus the biscuit) I ate half L - 1/2 cup Jambalaya with Shrimp Snack - 5 triscuits with cheese .... and 3 cookies. D - a bite of corn and a bite of scalloped potatoes. I put my chicken breast in a container for lunch tomorrow. I drank 5 mugs of water (100 oz) and a large glass of pulp free OJ. I almost feel like I am trying to set myself up for failure, or eating my way back to being fatter. I don't know what's up with me but this has to stop... Kathy 283/216/160
on 9/27/05 9:13 pm - Duluth, GA
Hey Krazy girl!! One of the things I am learning, is I absolutely MUST congratulate myself on my POSITIVES and quit BEATING myself up for my stumbles. We did NOT have surgery on our heads...just our tummies. Look at your day this way... half of a sausage egg & cheese, no biscuit. That's all ok! (lots o' protein) I don't know enough about Jambalaya to say if it's fatty or not, but isn't it a form of soup? 1/2 cup sounds fine. 5 triscuits aren't horrible, and the 3 cookies...you gotta look at them as today's treat, and say...ok I won't eat 3 cookies again for let's say another week or so... an occasional "sumpin sumpin" is not so bad and if you have just a small amount then it will keep you from binging on it later. Dinner...heavens! That was a fabulous accomplishment! 100 oz of water!! GIRL!!! You did GREAT!! (How did you say out of the ladies room to write this? LOL ) So see...when you break it down, you did not do horrible...you had a tiny little misstep in the cookies... I'm not trying to justify poor eating habits, I just think sometimes we are all SO HARD on OURSELVES, for fear of ruining what we did, we berate ourselves into a minor depression and what did most of us do before surgery when we were depressed? ATE!! So, we have to keep each other up and it's good to have someone else that can step back and say...hey..that wasn't so bad! PLUS.... Hey...when I am PMS'ing...I wanna eat the KITCHEN CABINETS once I have eaten everything IN THEM! LOL! So hang in there girl, and keep coming and posting and we will all work each other through these trying times!!
on 9/28/05 12:13 am - Jefferson, GA
Okay I am recognizing I have an issue right now with snacking, and I am going for help ! My Appointment is next week Yesterday Breakfast- 1 scrambled egg 2 slices bacon S- WOlfgang Puck COffee Went to a funeral (work related), and had some finger foods such as a piece of ham and asparagus, pimento and pate on toast ( probably amounted to about 1/4 slice of bread, 1/2 slice of cheese, small slice of melon L- very little bit- couple of mouthfuls of Clam Chowder (It did not sit well) 6 saltine crackers small bag of doritos Ranch S- 4 or 5 mini chocolate bars (Nestle Crunch) D- 1 low carb fajita with steak and some cheese and sour cream S- 5 fig newton cookies I only got in about 45-50 oz of water. I did get my vitamins. Lord, I just cannot seem to avoid the bad stuff
on 9/28/05 6:03 am - Duluth, GA
You know Maureen, The egg and bacon are great! Good protein. The coffee is ok, unless you are piling full of sugar.... the finger foods don't sound so bad.. ham- good / asparagus - good. (I don't eat pimento or pate, so not sure about them) melon - good. Clam Chowder is ok. 6 saltines are not bad. Dinner looked ok. So, looks like to me, the only REAL things you gotta watch is the doritos, the candy & cookies.... Just like I was saying (and LORD this is GOOD therapy for ME...cuz I am trying to listen to myself) We have GOT to stop beating ourselves up for missteps. Give yourself CREDIT for your positives, and work on the stumbles. SOOOO....don't deprive yourself....but try tomorrow only 2 or 3 of the candy bars and only 3 cookes... try to ditch the doritos... And then the next day go down to 1 or 2...and then try some fruit or something that will fill you just the same and give you the sweet taste... (Don't I think I know about this!! you DO realize it's the blind leading the blind here, right?) Cathy Martin said it best, that this is a daily battle, some days you will win, others you will lose. But I vow to win the WAR. We can do it girl!! Let's stick together and we will make it!!! Luv ya girlie!
on 9/28/05 6:18 am - Jefferson, GA
Well, this pile of candy has been removed from my office.. It was intended for my team at work, and has been distributed to them (after I ate a few) I am going to buy some healthy snacks and keep them nearby. Maybe some string cheese, or some fruit and veggies. I am getting hungry during the day, and I have to address that..but I have to do that better . I am glad you started this Tami.. It helps me to think about it and be more accountable..I wake up saying I am not going to have anything bad to post for the day.... but as you mentioned once before..while I am eating this crap I am thinking the hell with you all, I want it NOW . Tomorrow will be better.. I am going to wean myself back Love ya !
on 9/28/05 6:29 am - Duluth, GA
Big hugs to you my friend. I have had to remove things from my reach as well...You'd think I was a two year old that someone had to keep popping her hand for touching things I shouldn't! LOL! You know... When I eat these things I shouldn't I often think, "Hey! I EARNED THIS..." When in reality, I EARNED the right to eat better and to STOP sabatoging myself. I just have to retrain myself in my way of thinking...by saying I DESERVE to NOT yearn for the things that are bad for me, so I can continue to lose this weight and have the body, health and lifestyle that I have worked so hard for. It SOUNDS twisted, but if we repeat it to ourselves over and over again, we just MIGHT start believing it!
on 9/28/05 1:15 am - savannah, GA
OK --- I need the accountability. I've been watching and learning (Some good habits! ) from you all. So..... here goes B: protein shake made with milk and apricots S: protein pudding L: (late) 1 C of chicken viola meal, just the chicken, veggies and sauce and then the wheels come off the wagon! D: 3/4 C seafood salad, 1/C seafood cheese spread, 1C mashed potatoes with butter, 1 C watermelon and I would have eaten ANYTHING snack-y if it had been in the house. Only managed about 60-70 oz water, when I am supposed to get 100. Better luck tomorrow. One trick I learned from another WLS friend (only can be done when truly desparate, and alone or in front of a very understanding person): When you have to get the Doritos, lick 'em, don't eat 'em. Get the flavor, and you will only eat the equivalent of 2 or 3 chips by the time you are done.
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