on 9/23/05 2:30 am
gosh....."fessing up" is harder than I thought.....I cheated after dinner last night and ate a "mini" bag of kettle corn....it was GOOOOOOOOOD....(I thought I've already posted and no one will know.....cept me!) Today's not looking like a good day either.... I think I'm gonna dive into these M&M's I have sitting here now....... (As I down my second cup of coffee.....and Holly can tell you - I like a little coffee with my cream and SUGAR!!!!!!) don't care......don't care......don't care! (Yes I do or I woulnd't post this would I) Okay - I'm putting the M&M's down....for now.
on 9/23/05 2:57 am - Jefferson, GA
Seems to me this gets harder and harder the further out you are.. I am a sugar freak too. I am sitting here eating a wonderul salad with shrimp, and I am dreaming about how to get a piece of cake, or some candy Hang in there.. We can get through this
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