OK..October is Official!!!!
Ya know, this picture is from LAST year in October!! Sheesh!! I DO need a new one.
I haven't lost anything since the last time you saw me (I've been stuck for months now - my own fault, working on it!!), but I HAVE lost since that picture was taken!!
See ya,
Ann in Duluth
I'll try to bring Ann W. too, and maybe another friend. I'll let you know.
That would be SOOO cool if you brought Ann W...I haven't seen her since her dad's funeral.
Join in with some of us fellow "strugglers" with the "WHAT DID YOU EAT TODAY" post each day. We are finding ways to help each other and support each other, if for no other reason than we have to tattle on ourselves with what we pop in our mouth!! LOL!
See ya soon!