Not home yet...
I am on the other side...which I guess is good- I was able to go home on Friday but after being home a couple of hours, I started a HUGE I had to come here I am hooked up to IVS..having cat scans, x rays, constant tests, lack of sleep.. etc etc. I really have the what did I do to myself conversation going on a lot.
Well, I dont have a lot of postive things to say- but I thought I would update! At least they have interent access!
Hope everyone is well-
Hi Michelle
I'm sorry you are not feeling well, but you are in the best place to insure proper care. I've been thinking about you and I am glad that you posted. Being in the hospital so long stinks, but just try to get rest to let your body heal. Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you need to talk.
Michelle, we're all praying for you and hoping the doc finds out the problem and you're back to feeling good soon. I'm so sorry you have had this happen but thanks for updating us. I've been wondering about you and Carolyn too. Do you know if she went home Friday as well? I haven't talked to her since before her leak test Wednesday morning. Don't worry about a thing, you are in great hands and it WILL get better soon.