Hey-I forgot to reply to your last post or email, or whatever you sent lol. Sorry!!!
As for the glucosamine I JUST started taking the liquid stuff. I am assuming that it will absorb better than the pills. It is a bit sweet-bleh! You can either take it solo or mixed in some liquid. I am thinking about mixing it with crystal light. It takes A LOT of sugar to make me dump, but for those that are REALLY sensitive, it might not be the best thing. The taste isn't too's like a mixed berry flavor. Depending on what pills you take, you take them either 2 or 3 times a day. This is a once a day supplement.
I had been slack the past few weeks about my glucosamine. I am tyring to get back into the routine as my milage is getting way high. This week my plan is somewhere between 38-41 miles. This coming Sat we are running an 18 miler, then we drop back, then we jump to 21 and taper for 3 weeks prior to the marathon. I am in focus mode now lol. I am TERRIFIED for hurting myself doing stupid things. I won't wear heels or platforms in fear of a stress fracture or twisting my ankle. Yes, I'm a bizarre lady.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh! You mentioned you will be training for a 5k soon right? Get your bootie to a running store..IE Big Peach Running Company, Phidipidies or Fleet Feet Sports to get properly fitted for a running shoe. Don't go to a store like Dick's or Sports Authority or the Locker Room. Technical Running shoes are more expensive (plan on spending at least $85). Shoes are the most important thing you can do. You will injure yourself on the wrong pair. For me I need a heavy stability or a light/moderate motion control shoe. If you have a neutral foor or you suppinate you would injure yourself bad wearing my shoes-yikes!
Plus-you have a few weeks to test them out. I put 30 miles on my last pair of shoes before I brought them back. Just don't run through mud or puddles and they will take them back no questions asked...except why did you return them
Out of all the stores I recommend Big Peach...on Peachtree.
Ok-so I typed a book here-but I'm excited that you are getting into running

I'm going to try the can't hurt right? I'm not a big time runner - but my goal is to run the peachtree road race next year and if I don't start small now and build up I'll never be in shape enough to do so. I will try to get to the running store quickly so I can get some shoes that work for me. Do you know if the sell the body glide there?
Maybe we can go running sometime.....goodness knows it's better than running completly alone.
Thanks for the info!!!
Dee Dee