This is it!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Erin,
Just think in 24 hours, you will be on the road to recovery!!! Woooo Hooooo!!!
Dear Lord, You are our friend's rock and fortress and deliverer; Dear God, please be her strength and stronghold. Please keep Erin as the apple of Your eye, and hide her under the shadow of Your wings. Ps. 18,2;17:8
Erin, there's peace under those wings. Rest assured that you are in a good place.
We're here for you, Dear Heart!!!
Erin, best of luck to you tomorrow!!!..You will be on the other side very soon..I hope you have the least pain and discomfort possible, no complications and fast recovery... and I know for sure you've got the very best surgeon..
... and you will have excellent nursing care wishes, hugs, Rita