Surgery Coming Up
I just got a call today that my white blood cells are elevated. So, I have to go to the surgeon's office Monday morning at 8am to have blood work done again. It kind of freaked me out, but I'm o.k now. I have been fighting a cold. So, that is probably why. I just didn't want to have to go to Atlanta first thing Monday morning. I was looking forward to a leisurely day before starting bowel prep. Y'all just pray it is all good, and I can still have surgery on Wednesday.
Also, I met with the anesthesiologist, and he said I might have to have the IV in my neck! I have talked to someone who works in a lab, and they said it isn't that bad. She said I should just ask for the "****tail" prior to them starting the IV.
I feel really good about things, I just didn't want this kink in the plan.
Hey Stephanie,
I JUST got your e-mail today from OH...what's up with the mail delivery???
E-mail me your # if you don't mind...I would love to talk to you!!!
[email protected]