too much food?????
I had my surgery on June 14th. I wanted to check with you all and see at nine weeks what amount are you able to eat at one meal before satisfied. I can now eat 10-12 medium shrimp and about 1/8 to 3/4 cup of soft vegtables with this. I am concerned that I may be eating too much. I eat three meals a day. I always have a protein drink for breakfast and this may cause me to take in more at lunch and dinner. I also have days when I eat more than others. How much are you all eating at one meal? Also, how soon did anyone try thin crust pizza?Thanks for your input! Sincerely, LMW
WOW thats a lot of food to put in a pouch that is really no bigger than to hold 3-4 shrimp. I do not eat what you are consuming at 16 months out. Any bread swells in my stomach. I stay away from it. At 9 weeks out I didn't eat meats other that super thin sliced lunch meat. Drink 16 oz water then wait 30 min then eat, this should help you not eat so much. Be careful your pouch can stretch back and all this you have done will be for nothing.
Make sure your eating for nutrition. Remember your mind didn't have surgery. This surgery is a life altering journey. Well worth it!!
God Bless Your Journey, Sheila -130lb