My Hair
I have found that Nioxin Shampoo and Conditioner is very good. I also use the styling mousse. My hair is actually now in the recovery stage and becoming thicker. You can get Nioxin products in Ulta 3 and in the salons in the Walmart stores. It takes very little of each. I have been using the same bottles for over 3 months now. I also use a protein spray called Tiger between shampoos. I also take hair, skin and nail vitamins that contain additional biotin.
Hi Tammy. Yes, I suggest looking into Curetage. Check it out online at There is an entire sequence of steps, from shampoo to a deep cleanser to a moisturizer to a root stimulator. A friend recommended it to me, and I've been using it for 3 weeks. I can already see a difference, and I've even had other people comment that it looks like my hair is returning. (I lost tons of it from 2 months - 5 months post-op). It's not cheap, but it works! Good luck,
I took the cheap way out and did nothing different at all and just let nature take its course. From what I figure reading everyone else, the hair loss is practically inevitable and it will grow back regardless as well. I read about lots of folks who start to see the loss, get some products and in a few weeks when the hair growth comes back they attribute it to the product (which may or may not be the case) but since the hair regrows about that time anyway, it's up to you I guess. I lost about 1/3 of my 'fullness' from month 4 to 5 and a half or so. Now the hair loss has stopped and it is regrowing back. Good luck with keeping your locks
Kia 5'9"

well... I can relate to the loss, and the freaking out. And girl..let me tell ya... I did it all... I took biotin, I took zinc, I used nioxin, etc. etc. etc.
I found that only patience and protein protein protein helped.
Great news is... it DOES COME BACK!!! I must confess, my hair is a bit different textured than before, but I'm so happy to have it back I don't know what to do!
Good luck my friend. Hang in there.