Saturday's Get-Together Info??????
Georgia Girl
on 8/8/05 3:23 pm
on 8/8/05 3:23 pm
This is what I could find for you. Try e-mailing Shree for the directions, this place IS OUT OF MY REACH.
Enjoy your time together with everybody.
I just noticed her e-mail address is not listed so I would suggest that you keep hitting the "older messages" button til the date thats posted on here which is 07/30/2005 at 3:50pm comes up and then click on her reply or e-mail button to get the directions.
Hope this helps,
Original Post by Shree Burgdoff at 3:50 PM EST on 07/30/2005
Marietta, GA - RNY (04/27/2005)
Ok, just a reminder that our August get together will be on August 13th @ Delkwood Grill. Food, Karaoke, Dancing, Friends....what more could you ask for?!?!?!?
Please make plans to come....gonna be a blast, I tell you what!!!!
Also, we will have a CLOTHING EXCHANGE so bring anything and everything you can no longer wear and go home with some new stuff...I will be bringing some too!!
Can't wait to see everyone there.....if you need directions or my cell number drop me an e-mail.
See ya then!!
Shree and Carol