Need members
My wife and I are the leaders of our local support group. We took it over about 6 months ago, since then we have been the only 2 attending with the eception of one month there was one other person there. We have done every thing we can think of to keep the member coming but we need some suggestions. By the way any of you out there in the Albany area are welcome. I am the only man and it sure would be nice to have at least one more. Our next meeting is Aug, 9TH at 6:30 pm at Moe's. Any suggestions to keep the group alive would be appreciated. Thanks --George
Barbara, It is good to here from you. It is exciting to know you will be joining us on Tuesday. We ran Adds for a while but they didnt seem to help. But now that I know that you have been looking for one I will start them back. There is a little room off to the side if the main dining room at Moe's (near Target) that they let us use every month. Right now we are small and I havnt really been able to schedule guest speakers but when we get a few more members I will start trying to do so. Right now we just talk and coach each other in ways to get past the day to day issues of WLS. I am really glad you responded and am looking forward to meeting you. I went to your profile and tryed to e-mail you directly but there must have been some tech problems because it wouldn't let me. Ill try again later. I would like to get your e-mail so I can add you to our mailing list. Hope to see you Tuesday-----George
Hey George,
Just keep doing what you are doing - advertise your meeting. Post on any message board that you can. Also you might try checking with any local weight loss surgeons and see if they have a bulletin board in the office you could put a flyer on. You could also do that at a grocery store or maybe even a nutrtion store.
One of the local groups that I go to started off small also. In the beginning there were 3 or 4 members. Now there is a core group of 10 12 who come every week. There have even been as many as 30 a couple of times.
Good luck!
post op, 12/02/03
lap rny, Dr Hart