I can share my experience but you need to talk to your own doctor.
Before my first WLS in '93 I never had any stomach issues. It was like a steel tank! Well, other than I had my gallbladder removed after the birth of my second child. But where I was in PA it was 'natural & the norm'. I do however still laugh at myself because at that time (it was '91) I pitched a fit and told the surgeon NOT to cut me old fashioned cause I didn't want scars, LOL. Here I am 13 years later post VBG and four reconstruction procedures with scars looking like a roadmap, hehehe. The VBG in '93 was a full cut from sternum to belly button and when I had my tummy tuck in '94 they removed about 12 inches mid abdomen and 10 inches off each side pulling the VBG scar down to my pubic area. And I was 'concerned' about a gallbladder scar, hehehe ::::rolling my eyes:::: One thing, besides of course getting healthy again it that I am hoping from this correction RNY is that I know they will cut my and use the VBG scar but the plastic surgeon when doing my tuck made my artificial belly button in line with the VBG scar which is a bit off center so I always joke I have a ****eyed belly button, I hope Dr Smith when he does this RNY will make it 'straight' for me, LMAO.
But back on topic ... after VBG I had to start taking scripts for indigestion. Back in '94 we started with the first "p" Priolosec (it was a script back then) Then I went through Protonix, Propolsid (SP), Pepcid, on to Zantac, gosh a ton more. Finally Prevacid did the job. I've been on that continuously since '97 when it 'hit the spot'. However with being so ill from all the BS inside now it doesn't work as well now, only like four or five days a week. Another reason for the RNY. But see you PCP, they are the best bet.
Huggs --