A Big WOW moment!
I was doing my rounds of the consignment shops today and looking for some clothes to put back for the fall and winter. Since I was wearing a size 22-24 last fall there is nothing left for cooler weather. In a moment of delirium I took a size 4 pants in to the dressing room. AND THEY FIT!!!! Not all the size fours fit but who cared - some did. I think I will frame a pair instead of wearing them!
I had to sit in the dressing room for awhile until I could stand again because I got so weak and almost tearful. It seems like just yesterday that I had the same reaction when I got in to a size 16. Just goes to show that things can happen fast.

Denise!!!! Congrats, a FOUR, oh my goodness!!! How wonderful!!! On top of that, you really do look AMAZING! One thing I have noticed, you are causing a great deal of "covetousness" with your cute handbags, accessories, jewelry, and dresses. Hmmmmmmmmm. I have to admit that for just one moment, I actually wanted to sit on you and bounce, that might be "attempted murder." You better get prayed up, Girlfriend!
Seriously, I am VERY happy for you!!! You know HOW to work your new pouch!
OMG! How cool is that. So now the size 8 skirt I passed down needs to find a new home. Isn't great. I am now in 2's. My "fat" jeans and shorts are 4's. Almost scary to think that your right last year we were so much heavier with only a goal to get healthier and now chick we are hotties!!!! I was wearing size 24/26. Before long we will just have to switch out closets, a new look!!!!!
How awesome are you!!! The picture of us at the wedding is great. You take fabulous pictures. I printed it out and have it in my picture book. See ya in September. Hope the apt mess is getting better.
Your skirt still has a home at least for a while longer. It fits in the hips but is big in the waist so thank goodness for scarfs as belts. Glad to see you are settled in enough to have the computer up and running. Did you survive the move in one piece?
Everything is almost back together after the great flood of 2005. Everything is back in place as of tonight and the maid comes Thursday. I've had to do too many things that can be considered housekeeping for my tastes lately. My rugs will be back from the cleaners the end of the week so by the weekend I will be back to normal.
Take care and stay in touch. See you in September. (Isn't that a song?)