Just Wondering . . . . .
Remember back in the winter when someone asked what was our best fantasy for after surgery? Well, I'm wondering if yours came true, and was it as great as you imagined, or did something else top it? Since I'm hopefully not too far from having a date, I'm doing a lot of daydreaming and wondering if the thrill will be as great as I am imagining.
Barb in S. GA

I don't recall that post, and I don't think I responded. HOWEVER, in pondering your question, I guess I would have to say, that for the first time in EVER.... I FEEL like a LADY.
I no longer feel like a huge lump. An unattractive blob that waddles to and fro.
I am able to cross my legs when I sit. I am able to take care of my feet, and they are not all cracked and gross, because I can REACH them now.
My fingers are feminine looking and no longer look like fat chunks of clay.
My face has definition, and I can wear my hair in a ponytail without feeling like a man. My eyelids are no longer so thick and heavy, that they weigh down over my eyes. I had quit using eye makeup, cuz you couldn't see it anyway.
I wear skirts now, because I have a waist, and my legs don't look like a couple of huge bowling pins sticking out underneath. Before, if I wore a dress, or a skirt with the shirt tucked in, my belly stuck out sooo much, that the waist of the dress/skirt would slide up over my belly and be directly under my boobs that were so heavy that I would literally hold them up, just to be able to BREATHE better during asthma problems.
(Oh yeah... I am so much healthier now, it's RIDICULOUS!)
So...yes... for once in my life, I feel FEMININE, and love it.
Thanks for such a great question. This will interesting!
Gosh, Tami, I thought I was the only one who wouldn't wear a skirt or dress anymore. I long ago quit wearing makeup cause I didn't want people to notice my fat face, but several times I got called "sir", so that was even worse! My solution was to stay at home most of the time. I quit going to church or any social gathering, and haven't bought any clothes in 3 to 4 years because I couldn't face seeing myself in the mirror. I know you must be radiant, now, cause I've seen pictures of your honey looking at you. Reminds me of that song, "I Enjoy Being A Girl".
Barb in S. GA
Hey, Candy. I'm the poor sap who found out her insurance had changed and wasn't going to pay, just two days before my surgery. I had to go out and try to find a new insurance and start all over on clearance letters. I did join a gym, however, and I've lost only 16 lbs, even though I work out 3 times a week and have tried very hard to watch my diet. I have gained a lot of strength and have gone down one pants size from a 24 to a 22. I don't think anything about weight loss is easy. I'm afraid I would be tempted to give up, were I not pretty sure that my insurance will go through this time. I guess nothing worthwhile comes easy! From what I've read on this board, plateaus come to everyone. You just have to keep on keeping on, and finally the scale moves, again.
Barb in S.GA
I definitely feel more feminine too. When I was soooooo big, I just wanted to disappear. I didn't want to draw attention to myself at all. Now, I have a sexy, funky haircut. A friend has helped me with makeup and clothes. I got acrylic nails, because my hands look oh so feminine now. I even had some cosmetic dentistry done last week, and I can't stop smiling! This is such a wonderful journey!!
One other big change for me is that I no longer avoid mirrors. I can now look in the mirror in the morning before I leave for work, and actually think, "wow, I look really good" and mean it! You can't buy that kind of happiness!!
Wow, Catherine, I'd give anything to look in the mirror and not be disgusted with what I see. I try to avoid them, and then when I catch a glance it is an awful shock. My 88 yr old mother has acrylic nails, even, and she looks great all the time. She lost a lot of weight 30 plus years ago, and has never put it back on. My dad used to be so proud of how she looked, bless his heart. Maybe when I look better I'll feel like dressing up and taking her someplace. Right now, I wear the same old shirts and pants. I have one summer and one winter "funeral" dress. My idea of heaven is to go in a store and be able to try on something besides "fat girl" dresses. Sounds like you've done a good job of loosing and "adjusting"!
Barb in S. GA