WOW Moment for me too.
I went to the store to get a new pair of jeans. I was in a size 48. That is down from the 60's that I was wearing pre op. I wnet in and baught a pair of 48 and left. Got home and put them on. Ooops to big. No not just to big but WAY to big. Hmm maybe its a mistag. I go back to day and get a pair of 46 and just in case, a pair of 44's. Being ****y I tried the 44's on first. Truely I expected to end up in the 46's. Nope the 44's were just right. Wow is an understatement. My older brother wears a 40/42. He said a few months ago it would be a long time before I could wear his jeans. Wait till he sees the pair I have on now.

Every day for me is a day that I am alive. I truely was woried I was going to die before I coulod have my surgery. Any physical taks was terribly painful. Getting up off my couch took all I had in me and the pain of walking was horrible. I'm getting better every day. I do things every day that amaze me. I climbed Stone Mountain 2 weeks ago with no problems at all. I've got my life back and it just gets better every day. Ther is no turning back for me. I'll die if I do.
Marty, I am so happy for. Every day should be a wow moment . As I I am so happy I made the decision to have the surgery. I like that you said you walked up Stone Mountain that is also one of my goals on my list. My kids and husband did it last summer and there was no way I could bu****ch out for next year or maybe even spring.This is my new lease on life and will use it for all it is worth.Congrats on your sucess and many more of those to come and as always keep us posted......Beth

Yes it is Tami. But for me being alive every day is HUGE. I am live today only because I chose to have my surgery. In my mind, I am certain, I would not have lasted this long without it. Now I have have new friends like you and everyone on this board that gives me a reason to go on. ALL of you are awesome and an inspiration.
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You
I can relate Marty. It's nice to be told you LOOK good, but for me, personally, "looking good" is a GREAT side effect. The reality is this was TOTALLY a health issue, and like you, I felt I had at BEST 3-5 years left..I didn't see myself seeing either of my kids graduate from their respective schools.
I'm so glad you are HEALTHIER now, AND that you get to razz your brother a bit!! LOL!
See you soon.
Wooooo Hooooo, Marty! What a great MOMENT!!! You know, when you posted the other day that you had decided that you wanted the surgery whether you lived or died, that really spoke to my heart. I was in the same place...TRULY. Thankfully, we have made good choices. Congrats on your INCREDIBLE lose!