3 1/2 weeks post op and very concerned!
I need some input from some folks please. I am 3 1/2 weeks post op and have no appetite. I have been told by my nutritionist to eat 5 very small meals and to push the protein. I am doing good just to get three very small meals in at about 3 1/2 oz. each. One of those meals is a liquid protein drink at about 8 oz. Every bit of this I am pushing in since I have no appetite. My concern is: is this normal? When will I be able to take more in? There is no way I am getting 60-70 grams of protein in right now. I am concerned about hair loss also. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions. I am very worried. I don't know what is normal. Thanks, Sincerely, LMW
Hi there L,
If you can tolerate milk, try drinking milk. Every 8 oz has 8g of protein. I do well with 4 oz of very cold 1% milk. Another great source of protein is yogurt. I eat the carb option blue bunny available at walmart (and only 50 cents!) I eat 3 oz at a time. I also eat every 2-3 hours to ward off nausea.
It is completely normal to have no appetite. I have to really watch the clock so I know when the next time to eat is. This was suggested to me by my doc and has made a world of difference.
At this stage hydration needs to be your main concern. You will be able to tolerate more protein in a few weeks.
I've also read that hair loss is inevitable. Uping protein and taking vitamins may help some but hair loss is a result of the trama done to your body. It is not permanent. It will grow back. A short, sassy haircut may be just the thing to get ya thru that when the time comes.
Have you tried going to the library and renting some books on WLS? I've got some on order and picked one up yesterday by Barbara Thompson and it is full of info for post op. She suggests starting a journal from when you get home. That way you can look back and see you are feeling abit better all the time. Also, it will hold you accountable of your food intake, especially important later. You can also use it to keep count of fluids or protein.
I hold you in my prayers.

I had no appetite either, but you will be amazed in how much you are actually taking in. Boost the foods that you are eating with more protein. This can be as easy as adding powdered non-fat milk. Stir a couple of tablespoons into your pudding, cream soups, mashed potatoes, protein drinks, cereal,,,,, you get the picture. Keep a food journal. This is real easy at fitday.com, it is free, and will track all your food and nutrition for each day. Remember to eat your protein first... even if that is your total 3 ounces of the meal. You will get your other nutrients from your vitamins. I think you will be surprized, if you are eating 3 3oz meals of protein and a protein drink, you are getting close to your 60 grams of protein.
When I started back to work, I had the same concerns about lunch. I have a small soft cooler and blue ice. I take, 3 oz of cheese and a couple of crackers, a couple of hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese, left-overs from dinner the night before that I can nuke. When I grill hamburger patties, I grill an extra to take to work the next day and nuke it. I sometimes make a mushroom gravy to put on top so that it goes down easier. I will take a small container of yogurt for a snack, or a protein bar, or string cheese. When you can start adding more, take some fruit to go along with your lunch. Strawberries, or low carb canned fruit is good. Whole wheat crackers, like triskets are good with your cheese or cottage cheese when you can start adding more.
Remember your pouch rules. No liquid 15 min before a meal, or for 30-60 min after a meal. Then drink drink drink to get in those liquids.
I started loosing some hair about 3 months out, but it only lasted for about 2 months or so. Protein plays a huge role in hair loss, so it is extreemly important then to get that 60 grams min of protein. The hair loss is hardly noticible, except it LOOKS like you are loosing a bunch when you start seeing it in the shower or on your clothes, but remember, more than likely it is only heavy shedding, and it only lasts a short time, and it WILL grow back. Some people say to take zinc, I have tried using a special shampoo, but I ultimately think it is increased protein that makes the difference. Take in another shake if you have to untill it stops shedding.
Look into fitday.com (add the www). You can set it up to track what you want to track, you can log in your weight, set up goals. I liked the free version so much that I downloaded the full version. It keeps me on track and I know I am doing what I need to do to stay healthy.
If I can help in any way, feel free to e-mail me.
After my surgery I, like you, had no appetite. I ate because I had too. My surgeon had us gradually work up to the 60 grams of protein and wanted us at that level by the 6 to 8 week mark. His stress was on staying hydrated. Up until 8 weeks I was on a total liquid diet. I made soup from V8 juice (actually pretty good hot) by putting it in a covered dish and heating in the microwave.
Take it a day at a time. Yes, what you are going thru is normal.
Wishing you the best.
Georgia Girl
on 7/9/05 6:50 am
on 7/9/05 6:50 am
Good day.
Maybe not, please try if you can not to worry soo much.
You are doing well. I beleive everybody will tell you NOONE got in the amount of ounces of water and protein that they told us to get in.
You will loose your appetite... some days you have and other days sweetie its gone. Thats just the way it goes. You are doing really great. Praise God for no complications and calm down and rest and know he whose foot sits at the earth as his foot stool will surely take care of you.
You are moving along nicely, hun. Have you tried Mayfield's sugar free fudge cycicles, they are wonderful. What about going to a Publix and buying Boar's head neat and cheese and roll it up together , its a very healthy snack. Try these and if you'd like to e-mail me off board at [email protected] you may and I will walk along side you as I have many. Hold your head up and praise God and you are doing really well.
With Kindness Regards to you,
I think you are very normal. I still don't take in 60 gms of pro. per day and I am 16 months post op and beyond goal.
My surgeon has us take it easy with only 2-3 small meals per day for a very long while, and no protein drinks after a month or so. Your appetite will return but it may take some time --besides who needs an appetite when there is wt. to lose.
good luck.