3 wks post op and need a friend

Pati C.
on 7/8/05 9:32 pm - VALDOSTA, GA
I had my open rny surgery 6/20. I was in the hospital 4 days because I had a 3 hour trip to return home. My doctor wanted to be sure I was ready for the trip. I did fine on the trip. Two weeks post op - 25 lbs. So tired and weak. Called my doctor and he had me to to ER for IV fluids. Diagnosed as dehydrated and was given 1 1/2 bags of fluid. Been drinking lots of water and sticking exactly with my diet but I am so weak and tired. No pain at all, just very very sick feeling. Will someone who has had the surgery please let me know if I am typical and if so, when will I feel normal again. I have been told that I will be weak for about 6 weeks????? Has anyone else felt this way???????
(deactivated member)
on 7/8/05 10:12 pm - Warner Robins, GA
Pati, I did feel tired and drained of energy for a few weeks. Are you able to do protein drinks yet? How about B-12? I highly recommend taking the shots. Everyday got a little better for me. I know that it is normal to experience some nausea. If you don't gradually start feeling better you may want to contact your Dr. What types of foods are you able to eat right now? HUgs, Tonya
Pati C.
on 7/8/05 11:49 pm - VALDOSTA, GA
Bless you for answering me! Yes, I have been doing high protein since I came home from the hospital. I have 5 - 3oz servings a day and I use Atkins Advantage. I did have a B-12 shot but anemic is actually how I feel. I am able to eat only protein foods, per my dietician. I eat slices of low fat meats and no veggies till after 3 months. I have scrambled eggs for breakfast. So far not much nausea. No pain, etc. I have no complaints other than I feel like I am dying, lol. Soooooooooo tired and weak. Pray I get better and I welcome any suggestions. Thank you again for your help. Pati PS: You look great!!!!!!
on 7/8/05 11:35 pm - Macon, GA
Hi Pati, Well dear, I think what you are going through is completely normal, it was for me anyway. I am 6 weeks post op and still very tired and weak. I am not sleepy tired but feel physically exhausted. I believe it is because at this stage we take in so few calories. I do feel better now than I did at 3 weeks tho... I think there is a light at the end of the tunnel. My doctor said this is only the first picture of a very long story, he promised I will feel better and I am. Just keep yourself hydrated at this point. I used 'better than boullion' (strained), SF popsicles, juicey juice diluted with water, and a bit of SF jello. I added cream soups and minnestrone broth around 3 weeks. Healing with open (which is what I had) goes alot slower. You just listen to you body, rest when it says rest. Keep sipping and try and walk, even if its just in 5 minute spirts. Please know we are here for any support we can give. It helps to talk to someone who has been through it. Barb
Pati C.
on 7/8/05 11:54 pm - VALDOSTA, GA
Barb you are the greatest! Thank you for your post. We are close in our surgery dates and I guess what we feel is ok. I am not sleepy, as a matter o fact I am very anxious. I look forward to my sleeping every night because I feel so bad during the day. Everyone is reassuring me that I will feel better and I know I will. Thank you for your help so I can hang on. Love and good wishes. Pati
on 7/9/05 2:39 am - (city), GA
Pati, are you on any meds right now? I do know that some of those can cause anxiousness. I had a terrible problem with that post op at about 3 weeks. I was on a drug called Reglen for digestion which turned out was causing much of my anxiousness. When my doctor took me off of it, I improved. You may not be having the anxiousness like I was, but I felt like I could not even sit in my seat for longer than a few minutes at a time. I will definitely pray for you. I am having no appetite at 3 1/2 weeks and trying to push fluids. I don't know what else to do. Also, I have become very down. I think it is because of what all our bodies are going through. Hang in there. I hope you get better soon. Sincerely, LMW
Pati C.
on 7/10/05 1:33 pm - VALDOSTA, GA
Thanks for your post. That is so strange because I was wondering if the Reglan may be causing my nerves. I stopped taking it and I am much better now. I am very down also and hope that passes quickly, lol. I wonder if we are getting our anti-depressants to absorb? I go to counselor Tues and will as her for us. I dont want to eat either cuz I usually feel weak after. Monday will be the beginning of my fourth week so we are right together. I will be here if you need to talk. Hugz Pati
Pati C.
on 7/11/05 4:24 am - VALDOSTA, GA
Hi, Just wanted you to know that since I stopped the reglan I am not as nervous. Thanks for your post, it may have saved me, lol. I am feeling much strongr now and I also am pushing the fluids. After my dehydration and day at the ER, I became much more aware of my water intake. Today is the 3 week anniversary of my surgery. I go to my psychologist tomorrow for the first time since surgery. I have been depressed and crying myself. It must be, like you said, the surgery and body changes. I take a high amount of prozac and I wonder if my body is absorbing any of it. I plan to check with the psy. tomorrow. I had the open RNY and understand I will have absorption problems??? Hope you are feeling better. Hugz Pati
on 7/8/05 11:47 pm
Things will get better every day as you go. You might want to have your PCP check your B12 level and find some Protein that will help you. I know you're exhausted - but honestly something that will help with the energy level will be exercising. Are you walking? At this point if you walk even in 3 10 minute intervals it will help your energy level to increase. At 3 weeks I was put on liquids and beginning purreed foods. You have to consider that you're body has gone through a major change and it WILL take some getting used to. Keep your body as hydrated as possible and take things slowly. I had Open RNY (Small incision) and the healing time is usually longer - but you should start regulating energy pretty soon. Keep us posted whit what decision you make - and remember we've been there but we're NOT medical practicioners so the best suggestion would be to talk to your doctor!!! Much Dee Dee
Pati C.
on 7/9/05 12:00 am - VALDOSTA, GA
Thank you Dee, you are so sweet to answer me. I had a very long incision (about 8 in.). My incision and drain hole has healed nicely and I have no pain. I just feel like I have water in my veins. Ugh. I have an appointment next week with the therapist cuz I am so depressed. Actually you all have been better, lol. I did call the doctor and went to the ER for fluids but it has not helped. I know now that I will feel better and that helps more than you know. I will call my Dr back next week if no improvement. Hugz Pati
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