Hi...update..August get together etc....
Hello everyone!!! Sorry I have been MIA lately, but to be totally honest I have stayed away because I didn't want to sound negative and whinny *lol*.
Ok...here goes~ I am 11 weeks out and have lost 61 pounds!!! I am beginning to feel better for the most part. I am still having TONS of issues with food in general...my tummy doesn't really like much, but it IS getting better. Some days are worse than others but for the most part I am feeling better. Would I do it all again?? Ummmm, ask me again later *lol*. Work has been hard because they have catered in so freaking many lunches of all sorts of yummy things and since they don't know I had GB surgery I have to "fake" it. My clothes are getting way lose and that part I am loving!! I am resisting the urge to buy anything new for now so I walk around all day tugging at my pants and underwear.
Started losing my hair pretty bad up top so I went on Saturday and got a cute little haircut to hide the bald spot *sigh* Hopefully, it will grow back eventually
Ok...August get-together..Carol and I want to host it if that is cool with everyone...we have some great ideas!!!! I will get with her and work out the details so I can post the info ASAP.
Congrats to those of you have just had or going to have the surgery soon......let me know if there is anything I can do!!!
Congrats to Tonya and James on the upcoming nuptuals...may your love be everlasting!!!!!!!!!!!
I will do better about being active on the board and the group now that I am feeling better!!!
Love y'all