One year anniversary.....
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around much lately. My work has been really hectic and the only time I can get on is during the day here.
Yesterday was the one year anniversary of my surgery. I had a follow up visit with my surgeon and it's official, I've lost 200 pounds! I'm so excited about that. My doctor was really pleased with my progress. It's so nice sometimes to hear from someone like that, because I second guess myself all the time. I still eat sweets sometimes (the few bites I can take at once), I drink soda now and then, and I don't always get the most lean protein I could, and I get down on myself about it. I try to remember that thinking like that is what put me at 488 pounds and I need to learn from that. I have a lifetime to change the things about myself I would like to and being aware of issues is the first step in growing.
I'm so thankful for this website and for all of you. I couldn't have gotten through this year without you. I've made friends here and I cherish each of you. We help each other heal and that is the greatest gift of all!
Happy anniversary to the others here who were on the same day I was!

I'm SOOOOOO Happy for you!!!! 200 lbs is FANTASTIC!!!! Don't be down on yourself. Most of us still have to work EVERY DAY to fight the "fat demons". I know that you are doing the best you can do or you wouldn't have had the success that you have!
I'm so happy to be able to share in the journey with so many people!!! this board rocks!!!
Dee Dee