Men beware Female Issues...Help
Hi Caren!
I started my period just days after surgery (which was about two weeks off my schedule!). It lasted about 3 weeks and drove me NUTS. I would just spot off and on--and each time I thought it was over, it was back. FINALLY, it ended. The next month I was right back on track and have had no trouble since. I suppose it was just mixed up hormones. Hang in there--it'll get better!
Caren, I was sooo nervous that I had an unexpected surprise on the morning of surgery. The nurses told me that it is very common for the surgery to interrup your cycle...nerves, stress. Just imagine if that can happen how the surgery affects our delicate systems. I had the "vengence" part too. You are definitely not alone!
I being a 'newbie' at all of this, was wondering if I was going crazy. First of all, I had an endometrial abalation (sp?) done on 4/27/05. My GYN went in and 'burned the **** out of my endometrial lining' (his words, not mine). On 6/20/05, I had my RNY procedure. On 6/30/05, I had a very strong bleeding, but it lasted only the one day. With all of this being said, I am glad to know that this can be a very common occurrence. Thank you for this message board. It does help to have people communicate about various issues.
I want to share a small bit of information that helped to explain what causes a lot of the "hormonal" issues with women after surgery. (it's common - but not everyone will expirence this.) When you loose weight it relases hormones since our hormones are stored in fat it throws your body off kilter a bit.....
I started my period the second day after surgery and have been like clockwork ever since! I would go months on end before surgery with out having one.
There are a lot of changes that will happen to your body as you continue to loose more weight.....feel free to ask any questions you may's informative and you'll never get the answers if you don't ask the questions!!!
Dee Dee