Tummy Tuck Patients
As far as codes, I really don't know because first my reconstructions were done in Pennsylvania and second procedures were in '94 and '96. First was tummy and arms, second was breasts and thighs. One thing I do know for sure is your surgeon needs to code it as reconstruction and not plastic surgery and insurance views it as a medical necessity if it is reconstruction. Who's a thunk there was a differnce but there is.
We got a quick approval because my surgeons wrote to BCBS of PA that due to the mass amount of skin mass absents from the muscle mass made me prone to blood settling between the tissues and it becoming infectious and it expedited everything.
Let me know if I can give you anymore pointers or thoughts on the experience. One thing though is that I would not do the thighs again, they really didn't form well and only left me with nasty scars. A belt lipectomy is the wiser choice if you can find a surgeon to do it, get all of it out of the way at one time.