Debra Mullis
I just wanted to thank all the wonderful people on this site that has written their journey down for me to follow. I have learned so much more reading everyones stories then I would have ever learned reading books on WLS surgery.
Because all of you have helped me so much, I have been writing my journey on my profile to help others that are considering this surgery.
thanks again!!!

Georgia Girl
on 6/22/05 6:42 am
on 6/22/05 6:42 am
Hi Debra,
All I can say is once you loose your last thirty or so pounds you will be a "Hart's Hottie" as all of his female patients say. You are in excellent hands with him. A lot of people use him, too.
Its so nice to have a friend quit her caffeine intake with you in support of your wls decision as well as have your sister be there for you too. You are so blessed because this GA. board rocks with support too.
Good luck to you and your sister and friend and if I can do anything to help you along your wls journey just shoot me an e-mail and I'd be glad to help you in any way that I can.
God's Blessings, if you don't mind~