Hey Gang!
I am back with great news for anyone else that is in my situation. A couple of weeks ago, I inquired about anyone that may have an individual major medical health care plan (outside of an employer) that was obese or morbidly obese because the cap for weight is a mere 249 lbs for most health coverages. Not to say that isn't a lot for someone to weigh but most of us on this website are more than 300 pounds!
Anyway, I am a full time nanny and full time studnet and I don't have health coverage. However, I do have a tax ID number for my outside business ventures. I spoke to one of my professors who is a lawyer and she told me it would be perfectly legal if there were any other people that I knew of that I could "hire" in order to qualify for group medical coverage. In fact she said the best way for me to do it is if there were any other nannies in the area that were also without coverage. If so, we could come together and organize ourselved as a group and operate under my tax ID number and all get benefits through the company!
SO, if any of you are without insurance that are in the child care profession or if you know anyone...or perhaps you know someone that isn't in the child care profession...PLEASE SEND ME A NOTE and maybe we can work something out.
I just think it's a shame that because some of us are overweight we are not allowed the priviledge to visit a doctor when we are ill or are afraid to go the emergency room if we are hurt for fear of the medical bill. Please let me know ASAP!

That is a wonderful idea. Too bad someone didnt think of it sooner. Do you already have an insurance company who will provide the coverage for the WLS? Just curious...but you are wonderful to try to start this and help others out. Keep up the good work and you will be rewarded.
I used to sell jewelry on the side, and the company offerred group health insurance through the Small Business Administration. I don't remember how it worked exactly - it's been a long time. However, if you find the SBA website, I'm sure there is info. Anyway - good luck to you and I hope it works out!! I'm lucky that I finally got back to work and was able to get "regular" group insurance again. It may not seem cheap, but compared to trying to pay for everything yourself. . .
Ann in Duluth