OT: Remembering Daddy on Father's Day (long)
My Daddy was overweight most of his life and in his mid 30's developed Diabetes, then later Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure. Due to the Diabetes he had kidney problems, decreased vision and even lost part of one of his legs. My Daddy was a fighter, many times when he was in the hospital I am sure he cheated death. Then after a long battle, we lost him 6 years ago at the young age of 59.
He is one of the reasons that I really wanted to have this surgery. I didnt want to inherit all his diseases and die at a young age. I often wonder if he could have had this surgery in his 30's would it have saved his life? Would he have been healthier and more physically able to do what in his mind he wanted to do.
He was a good loving person, a hard worker, had a good sense of humor and like I said earlier.. a fighter with a strong will.
I know that I am part of his legacy, I want to be a better person for him. I want to do the things he didnt get the chance to do and most of all I want to make him proud.
Those of you out there who are still lucky enough to have your father in your life, dont take him for granted.
I miss mine, especially today.
Kelly S
Dearest Kelly , What a great way to pay rememberance to your father. I know he his looking down on you from heaven and being so proud of you. I lost my dad when I was four but I know each day I have him near me and I am always watched over. By all my loved ones who have passed. So kelly I am sending you much love and remember you made a great decision to prolong your life in a way that maybe was not available to your dad. So Happy Father's Day .....Beth