Trying To Hang In ....
Sad development.
I started feelin crappie Friday afternoon,
ended up callin my GI, have some bleeding in my belly and he has now put me on liquids and a script to help with the nausea and bloating to try and hold me off until surgery. Right now I am so discouraged ... the liaison from BC called the Pre Approval desk for us late Fri and it is for sure on an expedited track but we wont have a reply until Tuesday afternoon, possibly Wed morning. My GI wants me back in his office Monday to check me over.
Friday was an all around bad day.
Stress echo went OK once the second tech stabbed me four times over the first tech's twice. My hubby went through the roof
when he came home to me being black and blue from the elbows down! I know once I have the surgery I'll be on liquids a couple months but goodness I was NOT planning on it before!
Well, enough whining for now, Sandra, I'm gonna try to give you a call ... since my limit is liquids maybe we can get together for coffee. Hope everyone is doing good.
BTW, the two women you mention that just had surgery, where are they at (which hospital)???