Cost of Surgery
Can anyone tell me what the actual cost of surgery was? The total billed by the surgeon and hospital and paid by the insurance. Especially Dr. Duncan's patients and/or patients that went to Atlanta Medical Center. But any others will be greatly appreciated also. Just trying to get an idea on costs. One of my ins companies has approved, but only allows $15000 to be paid. Just weighing options, in case the other ins company doesn't approve. Thanks in advance.
Shannon Bass
Hey Shannon 15,000 sounds like it will cover it if there are no complications. See What the hospital bills and what the insurance pays are totally different due to them having a contract with them. I know on my itimized bill there are 3 columns
1. what was billed by hospital
2. patient responsibility (was always 0 except for co-pay and deductable)
3. what insurance paid of what was billed by hospital due to hontract
I am using an in network doc and hospital so it was 100 covered.
They billed like 30,000 I think B4 my complication and hospital paid like 13,000 (this is a guestamet)
Now after my complication they billed like 70,000 and they ended up paying like 30,000 something like that but never the less it was never what they billed. That is why they have contact with hospitals so they save money....
My surgery was 5/2/05, it was at North East Ga. Medical center, I had to pay my surgeon $ 1,760.00 up front, that included my ded. and the hospital I had to pay $ 700.00 up front. I got my hospital bill last week and it was a total of $ 25, 630.00.
The hospital was in network & will pay 90% but my surgeon was out of network so they pay only 70%.
Tammy Gunter