Michelle needs prayers
Hello everyone
Michelle (HAPPY CAMPER) had her surgery one day before me. We went to our pre op appointment together. She was running circles around me and had lost 12 pounds, which she posted. Me on the other hand had gained 4 pounds---explain that! I had a hard time for about 4 days after I came home, she on the other hand was walking, and doing great. Last Friday (the day after our 1 week pre op) she called and said she had a bad day. She didn't know what was wrong but felt like staying in bed all day. I called her Saturday and she didn't answer so I assumed she was out and about. I called her on mothers day and found her quite ill. She had a 103 temp and husband said she was not able to talk on the phone. She went to Dr. Hart on Monday and he thought she had a stomach virus because of the temp and the fact that she couldn't keep anything down. After two more days of temp and not being able to keep anything down she was so weak she couldn't get up or drink she was transported to Northside Hospital yesterday. Her husband said that she was very dehydrated and had a high white count, which indicates infection somewhere. They think it is in the surgery area, maybe the intestines? He promised to call again tonight. If he doesn't I am going to call her mother (who may also be at the hospital) He said he would call so I kind of figured he did not want me to call her room. I know how distracting that can be if you don't feel well. I really debated about telling yall all of this (it is really for her to tell )but know how many friends she has out there and I am sure she can use the extra prayers.
I'll update when I know something....
my goodness.. I hate to hear this. I know how well you had told me she was doing. Hopefully they will find where the infection is and get it under control soon. I will be praying for her. I know this has you going through a whirlwind of emotions.
As for you, how are you doing? Did you go back to school yet? Please let me hear from you and if you talk to Michelle or her family let them know that all the folks here are concerned and that she is being lifted up in prayers.
Thanks Patrice and Becky for the prayers!
Patrice: I am doing well. I experienced some weakness earlier in the week. Just too weak to do anything but sit around, I was supposed to go back to work tomorrow. My husband was begging me to wait until Monday so I decided to. I feel like I could return but don't want to pu**** I guess I am a little afraid after what has has happened to Michelle.
I read where you are returning Friday. Don't over do!!
If I don't hear within the hour I am calling Michelle's Mom.
She just called, yes Michelle called. She is still very ill but she said much better than last night. Her voice was better than on Monday, stronger. They do not know what is wrong with her. Lots and lots of test last night and today. She said Dr. Hart has been great. He came and checked on her in the middle of the night and again this morning. Tonight when he came around he told her his concern and that they needed to look further tomorrow with more test. If he cannot come up with something he is going to call in an infectious disease MD. I told her I was not going to call and she promised that she or her husband would check in tomorrow or if there was any serious change.
Keep praying!