Guess What??????????
I am down 168lbs. I stepped on the scale the other day and I weigh 278. This is a long way from almost 450. I am so excited. SOOOOOOO, what have I been missing because I am really bad about the board lately. I have been busy with school and kids and work. So please update me. Also, I will be at the lunch on the 30th and can't wait to see everyone.
WORK IT GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am SOOOOO proud for you!!
Wish I could be the update person, but today is the first day I have played on the boards in a while....
I've got my head buried in work, and won't come up for air for another couple of weeks...
So happy for you girlie girl!!!
Wow, Holly!!! "Whistle, whistle!" Congrats on your terrific weight loss! I can't update you either...kindergarten registration was this week, so this is my busiest time of the year. It has felt like Christmas, and I've been waiting on Santa...met 121 cutie pies. Can't wait to see you on the 30th!