I'm BAAAA-AAAACK!!!!!!!!!
Hi folks!
Been without a computer for almost a week!! LAWDY I missed it!!!
Ok...so I had to strip my poor puter of EVERYTHING and reload it, so give me a couple of more days, and I SWEAR I will have the March pics up...probably in April, but I still have to put all my pics back on the computer...
What a DRAG!!
It doesn't change the fact that I am working my bootie off...well, I still have a pretty big booty, so maybe I need to work a little harder!
I know I owe some folks phone calls...forgive me...I have been coming home so pooped that I have just been crashing. I'll try to make my phone calls this weekend.
Hope all are well!!
Take care!!
So glad to have you back!!I know only too well about computer problems, mine took a good week and a half to fix last time.(Actually, my husband did it, cause I really know nothing about the inner workings of this thing!)
I hope that you are doing well, and hope to see you at the April Lunch!!!