I made it through!
Well, by the grace of God, I made it through surgery. I was able to have lap (there was a posibility of open due to gallbladder scar) and I am so glad! No major complications. Hospital stay was great, except I could not really get comfy to sleep. My nurses named me "Superstar" as I treked laps around the floor. I am home now which has it's own challenges. Hubby is trying to manage my needs as well as our 2 kids and not always being patient with it all. I am not laying around and trying to do what I can. Showers are wonderful blessings, aren't they??? My energy is pretty good and food is going well except last night I had nausea from sugar free choc pudding. I LOVE ice chips and have that in my mouth almost constantly. Well thanks for all the prayers! I will post more soon!