Need Help w/Insurance Appeal (Aetna)!!
Is there ANYONE out there who can send me a sample appeal letter that they KNOW AETNA (US Healthcare HMO) will ACCEPT??? I have hit a wall over and over and over and over again with this Insurance Company!!! I do not want to plagarize your letter, I am simply in DIRE NEED of some ideas of WHAT THEY WANT!!! I have submitted once and was denied over 3 weeks later. I gave them EVERYTHING in DETAIL that they asked for which was medical necessity from my PCP, BMI 42.5, nutritional eval., psychological eval., 6mos. physician supervised weight loss program, a copy of my sleep study (severe obstructive sleep apnea w/hypersomnia), 4 years of medical history (but they only required 2years). They denied me because they wanted FIVE YEARS medical history!!! I gave them 4!! I know they are just stalling me but I do not have the energy to keep doing this, I need my appeal letter to be EXACTLY what they want the first time and right now I have NO IDEA what that may be. Can anyone help me?? PLEASE!?!?! I would be eternally grateful to you if you would send sample to [email protected]. Thanks!
Hello. I was denied my first time around with Aetna and I found a great appeal letter off the internet. I changed up the personal information so it was mine and they approved me with in a few days. The email thru this site won't let me add an attachment so email me at [email protected] and I will email you a copy of the letter I sent. ~Bonnie