For those needing new insurance...
After paying on insurance for years and years, with increases in premiums every 6 months but yet never filing a claim, we said enough is enough. We stuck it out this long with the company for we were told online finding insurance would be difficult to obtain(since I had gastric bypass) but when our insurance climbed to $588(and still without being used) I got online and searched for insurance for residence of Georgia. I am happy to say, within 2 weeks time, we are now insured with another company with a savings of about $253.00 cheaper, monthly!! Deduction of $3500, $40 office visit, and $350 toward meds.. versus $5000.00 and nothing paid toward office visits or meds with the other insurance company that denied me gastric surgery..(I had to self pay) so good deal with lots of savings! Just wanted you all to know, that are stuck in similar situations, there is a company that will insure you! And yes, they know about my gastric bypass surgery. If anyone is interested, I will be glad to give you the name of the insurance brokers I went through that helped me choose the best company. All was handled through faxes and one phone call.. And no, I do not work for any insurance company, only want to help others that think getting insurance coverage after gastric bypass surgery is hopeless!