How's the weather over there?
We got enough freezing rain to saturate the pine trees in my yard. Right now I have three huge limbs that are bent to the ground from the weight of the ice. James has chain saw duty once the weather clears
That's twice this year. Once from the hurricanes and now from the freezing rain.
Hope you all are safe & sound and nice & toasty in the comfort of your homes.
We're covered with ice as well!!! Right now, we still have power (obvious since I'm online) and satellite service. Yay!!! The boys are still in bed, so this is my favorite time. That sounds bad!!! As big-mouthed as I am, and hug-needy, I love my quiet time. I am REALLY missing my paper though. When Gregg wakes up, maybe he'll go get one...just kidding!!! You can't even walk on our front steps!
Glad you're safe, Tonya. Hope everyone else is too!!!
Cold Freezing rain, sleet still falling at my house. It looked like it had snowed during the night, but on closer inspection, it is sleet..... everywhere..... I am warming up my camera batteries for an hour or so, and then I am going out to take pictures. It is just really nasty out. Last night after the hockey game, my trunk of my car was nearly frozen shut. I had to work with it a bit to get it open.
Now I know you northerners are having a good giggle over this, but these southern folks around here are pretty hard pressed to deal with this kind of weather (me included). I am hoping the weather guys are right and it starts to clear and warmup some aove freezing. Currently it is 26 on the front porch at my house. My steps are totally iced over.... might have to go out the garage just to keep from falling on my butt.
I posted this on my hockey message boards this morning on our daily good morning thread, hence the reason for the northerners comment. I just want to be able to go to our hockey game this evening. There aren't that many more home games till the end of the season. As you can see, I am a big hockey fan.... but getting smaller everyday. hehehehe
Lap RNY 12-1-04
285-239-155 (-46)
Oh Tonya, I'm so sorry you missed it... It really wasn't too bad driving home last night. I help to feed the players after the games so I am there late. Last night we left at about 1130. My car was frozen over, and I had trouble opening the trunk to put the cooker up, but driving home wasn't too bad at all. It looks much worse today, and I have to go out and buy some salad for feeding them tonight after tonights game. Come if you can, it's alot of fun!
Lap RNY 12-1-04
285-239-155 (-46)
We have a ton of ice/sleet stuff on the ground here. My kids got up at 8:15 this morning to sled. Okay--you know the kids are snow-deprived when they're playing in pure ice. It's really slick-and more of it is coming down.
I'll be spending my day mopping up wet slush from kids running in and out. I hate to tell them no, however--it's so seldom they get to use a sled!
Stay warm!!!!
Hey Michelle,
I understand, I had to go to work for a while this morning because one of my nurses had a wreck on the way to work. She is okie thank goodness, but I wouldnt dream of asking her to work the rest of the weekend. I had to go and make arrangements for someone else to come in to work and take her place since she is working 16 hr shifts...her choice...but it was easy. I have a great group of girls that work with me...when someone is in need, they jump to the call. So how are things with you?? I know you are under the pun intended....about the call you got the other day. I didnt get any calls so I am assuming all of my tests were okie. Stay off the roads dont want you to have any accidents..gotta keep you as healthy as possible. By the way, how is the diet going? I screwed up...cheated last night....but at least it was only a hamburger and a few fries....not many at all.
Chat with you later on...
*singing* - "Let it sleet, Let it sleet, Let it sleeet"
"Ice Ice Baby" !! I live on the top of a very very steep hill. NOT GOING ANYWHERE today!!
Becky I can relate to you saying you need your quiet time... As selfish as this sounds... I am LOVING this!! Dad appears to be ok for now ( I DO pray nothing happens with him right now... I'd be hard pressed to get out there quickly), the youngest is with his no running in and out in the ice and me screaming all day "SHUT THE DOOR!!" (We have the hill of ALL hills for sledding...), and the only cause of concern is the oldest is home from Tennessee...he's with "kissyface" in Athens driving around (in fact as I was typing this..he just calls and says "Hey..I just want you to know I'm driving and I'm perfectly fine" ...*sigh*)
I'm riveted to the television with the award winning "STORMWATCH 2005" coverage! LOL!! (NOT!) These guys crack my ass up! LOL!
However.... (hee hee) I did find that the slogan is true..."Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow, nor gloom of night will keep the mailman from delivering!"
You all stay warm... I bought 4 big bundles of wood and some firelogs and a book, and plenty of appropriate foods to eat this weekend.
I for one am diggin this!!!
Coming here from Ohio, I am used to some pretty nasty weather. Give me 2 feet of snow, that I can handle. This Ice??????? We just lost a big pine tree in our back yard, it came about 5 feet from hitting our deck. We are about to lose another one, this one will more than likely hit the corner of our house where my closet is!!!!! Hey, at least we still have power, for now. I just placed a call to my hubby, telling him to come home. Now, I need to worry about him driving in this stuff! Does this happen every year?