I have been in an awful funk for the past two weeks...I can't seem to pull myself out of it. I am still so sad and upset about what happened to me. I need to be doing so much, but honestly all I can thnk about is the surgery and the "what if's". I wish I could just move on, but I can't. Has anyone else been through this? How can I pull myself back up out of this depression???? I quit my job...stupid I know. I DID go apply for medicaid since I am not working...has anyone ever been approved for the surgery with medicaid? How long did the approval process take with them? I feel so down and lost.
I'm sorry, Shree. I wish I had the magic cure or magic words to help you out of this. Truth is, there aren't any. Sometimes depression is situational...sometimes clinical, sometimes a situation just triggers your clinical state. I speak, to a degree, knowledgeable as I've struggled with depression for the last 20 years, probably before that but I had not found a doctor that truly diagnosed me until my divorce 15 years ago. I take an antidepressant and it keeps me on a more even keel.I've learned over the years that I'm like a diabetic. They take insulin because they have a chemical imbalance. I take my zoloft because of the same thing. I share that because sometimes openness makes it easier for someone to seek help. I've also found counseling helpful in times past. Winter is the WORST time for being in a FUNK, and yes, what you've been through is certainly grounds for anyone to feel blue.
I believe that time will take care of this. I truly believe that the medical community will push to get clearance for the morbidly obese. I also believe that our society as a whole is beginning to see their part in this, i.e. food choices, supersizing, etc. and are beginning to do what they should have been doing all along...making better, more nutritional foods for all of us. But, I believe, as well, we'll (as a collective group) will have to push for this. Life is all about choices....I make poor choices every, single FREAKin' day...*sigh* I'll pray about your situation if you'll pray about mine. We have to keep on keepin' on, Shree. We just HAVE to. Life is full of valleys and mountain tops. You're in a'll eventually climb up and will be able to see things from a clearer place.
Get your kids....find a church close to you. Take them...get them involved in group things. Many big churches have groups like "Singles with Kids", etc. Many non-church groups have the same sort of group.They plan outings so you can be with other folks in the same predicament you're in. You'll be surprised about how supportive a "church family" can be. Mine has helped me for the last 25 years. We've been through death, divorce, births, job cut-backs, malignancies...we've been through a unit. When one is weak, the others hold us up...and then we get a turn at being strong for someone else.
I struggle, too, Shree. Many of us do.I have a "signature" on my work email that says "Be kind,for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
I'll continue to keep you in my prayers. We're human...we can't see what God sees for us. We don't do patience very well. We believe that WE know what's best for us. Heck I know *I* do! ;) I have been married to my husband for 2+ years. We are very happy. We've both been through bad marriages. He says, I wish we'd met years ago, but ya know, God was tempering us...making us ready to be able to be better mates. All things come in time. I don't know why bad things happen to good people, but I do know even when no one else does, God loves you. I'm reminding you this time. Next time, you remind me. Hang in there, child.
I am totally feeling you on the "funk" aspect of it...I didn't have as may "what if" questions before hand, but I had a few regrets afterward...but it is normal to have those thoughts and feelings of doubt before going though something as major as Gastric Bypass. I am sure that you will find another job! Check the internet and the want ads...a lot of websites have great jobs listed (That is how I found mine!)
As someone who works for the state I can tell you that Medicade is a rough system to go through for Gastric Bypass, but your best bet is to call the customer service number on the back and ask them to explain your coverage for surgery that is medically necessary.
If you ever need someone to talk to you can feel free to email me.
Big hugs to you girl.
I don't know the ''thing" that happened to you but I have dealt with depression for over a year now that my doc and I feel are weight related. I am also on medicaid and on disability because of some major back problems. I would never have believed medicaid would pay for weight loss surgery but they DO! I referred you to Dr. Khaitans office in another post. When I called them the nurse I talked to said medicaid absolutely DOES pay for this surgery and they are the easiest insurer to get patients approved. She said 98% are approved. I'm just going by what she is telling me, sigh, I'm on the dreaded waiting list but am starting to look into other docs that can get me in sooner.
Please feel free to email me if there is anything I can do or if you just need an ear.
Try some deep breathing and taking walks. This helps lighten my mood sometimes.
I'm sure all will work out the way it's supposed to. I appreciate your helpfulness and support when I was going through the same thing. I'm sure some of that good karma will roll back around soon.
BTW, I am a patient of Dr. Khaitan and she and her staff (mainly Melinda) have gone out of their way to make sure this surgery happens for me.
Best Wishes