Atlanta Convention Pics!!
Ok folks, here they are!! Sorry, it took so long...There were a LOT of pics!!
Help me out...if you were in attendance, there were some folks at the Bahama Breeze, whose name I was missing...some told me and I forgot (imagine that with my miniscule memory) and some I was never introduced to. Please forgive me, and then when you're through forgiving me, email me and tell me whose name I left out of what pic...and I will correct it!
(oh..and forgive me also, cuz since these were taken with MY camera, you will have to endure my mug many times over!)
I had a GRAND time!!!
Thanks to ALL who put the event together.. I know it was a LOT of work!!
I have met so many wonderful NEW friends, (Vegas're a HOOT!! Betsy & Lisa from Brunswick, it was wonderful to meet you both! Pink Ladies of Alabama...You are all so great! Pat & Susan from Tucker! Wow! Small world, huh? Curtis, Cheryl & Paula! Great to put a LIVE person with the name on the board!), finally got to MEET many I had been looking forward to meeting....(Loretta! It was FABULOUS to finally meet you!! Lynnda, you are such a sweetie! Bo, Cheryl and Monica! It was a pleasure! Parishia! Yay! Nice to meet you girl!) and of GANG!!! My Georgia GANG!!!!!
Love you all! Mwuah!!!
Hope you ENJOY!!!
340/230/??? Will this plateau EVER break????
(Modean Ryan - The "official" photographer of the Georgia Board!LOL!
(view the slideshow for best results)
Your "official" title stands and definitely remains unchallenged by old Beck!!! I gave you a run for your money with my five though. LOL Did you notice how I cut your "100" pin off...must have been me sub-consciously being jealous! LOL
Your photos are terrific! Thank you for taking the time to do this. OMGoodness, five took me about an hour to upload or whatever it was that I did...sadness!!!
You've got some incredible shots, Girilfriend, and you look MAAAAAAAAAAVALOUS!!!
Love you!!!