Home Again
Hi you guys I have not posted in the last several weeks just did not feel up to par. Been in the hospital most of the last two weeks at least this time they found the cause. But it is now real good news. I have picked up a virel infection and it has gone to my heart. they are going to moniter it for 6mo if nothing has changed or it worst the'll put me on a heart trancplant list. But I have a higher power in my coner he can do all things this I know for sure my granddaughter is one and i was one last July. When I got out of hospital Sun I went stright to church. they have me on rest for 2 weeks and I know of no other place to rest than in church. And Please all of you that has not had surgery yet don't let this go through your mind this could happen to you. THIS DOES NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH MY SURGERY. I have Lupus so I don't fight things off like most people this something virel something I pick up in the last 3 weeks for most people your system would have fought it off. I didn't so it went to my heart. I want to thank all of you for your prayers and I still need them. Lots of Love to you all and may God Bless and keep you all.
I am so glad to hear that you are home! You have been in my prayers every day since finding out about your hospitalization. You will continue to be in my prayers, and I just know that you will get better. You continue to amaze me, that after all you have been through, you want to make sure that people don't think that this is a result of your surgery. Please get your rest, and know that you have many people praying for you, you are not alone..
God Bless,
Cathy Martin
Hi Harriett, what a testament to your faith. You hang in there, girl. We all wonder "why bad things happen to good people".
I guess we're gonna have to wait til we get our turn to talk one on one with the "big guy" before we'll know. It seems some folks have more on their plate than they deserve. I appreciate your willingness to clarify about this not being about WLS. It'll help many others as they attempt to make their choices. God bless you and yours. Keep us posted. I hope it helps to know we care.