Does anyone have any updates on when BCBS of GA will quite doing the surgery?
I was told when I called BCBS that they would stop covering the surgery in January 2005. Then when I called Dr. Duncan's office today they told me it would be my renewal date and that was on the letter that the insurance company faxed them. I'm just trying to get an answer from someone..
Is there anyone that has and update, or works for BCBS that could confirm this.
I don't understand how they could stop doing this surgery.. I want to live, and this surgery is my way to live.... I can't afford to pay for it out of pocket but if insurance does not pay for it then I will have to find away.
Any updates you might have would be greatly appericated!!
Dr. Duncan's office is very reliable with their info. I found out from them that they would indeed be stopping coverage. Usually it is when your calendar year changes. You could check with your Human Resources office and they can tell you that if you don't know when the calendar year is up. If you've already started the process you may be in luck to get it approve before the change takes place. Good luck on getting approval.
I changed to my Husband's insurance BCBS in October 2004 because I was told that they would pay for it. I had called to make sure before I switched. My insurance does not cover it through my work. When I called BCBS 2 weeks ago they said it would quite for everyone in January 2005. I pray that I have until October 2005 to get the surgery. I already have all my info, I'm just waiting to get in to see the dr. for an apt, so I can have them send in my paper work.
have your husband check with HR for when his plan renew's. I have BCBS and am the plan administrator, my plan's calendar year runs from May 1, 2004- April 30, 2005 and I was assured from higher managment with BCBS that they can not change a plan in mid-term and that the drop of coverage will occur at renewal.
I hope this helps.
It depends on your employer. I am a State employee via Board of Regents. Our coverage with BCBS-HMO still covers WLS. I was told that your employer would have had to pay the extra premium for that coverage. Now I was told that WLS with my employer would be reviewed come January 2006. Best advice is to check with your Human Resources department and verify it with BCBS.
Good luck.
Hey Brandy:
I also have BCBS of GA. What BCBS told me is they would stop covering it as of 01/01/05 and you will have the coverage until your groups policy expires during 2005. So for me, that means I only have until the end of this year for coverage, so I panicked! What are my chances of getting all the approval and having the surgery between now and 12/31/04. So I called BCBS again and they told me as long as I have the APPROVAL before my policy ends, I can still have the surgery. And even though doctors offices deal with this everyday and know alot of the insurane rules...they are not the insurance company, if I were you I would call BCBS back and asks more questions, and if you dont get them, ask for a supervisor!
Kelly S