B12 Shots!
Hey Everyone
I went to my General Practioner today. He told me that I had no energy and was run down. He did not want to take any chances so gave me a b12 shot today.
I am going to have to go every 2 weeks for shots until I pick up some energy, and then monthly.
I anticipated it but not so darn soon.
I am also having a major problem with my glucose levels. He thinks I am in shock or should I say, my body is in shock due to all the trauma. Even though I am not ingesting food- My glucose level hovers at 262. Fortunately there is a liquid form of Metaforim, so I am being put on that to get the numbers back down...
Now, why I got to be the oddball
whose glucose goes up not down?
Has anyone else had these issues?

Hang in there. I had to start taking B12 at 3 weeks post op. As far as your glucose levels go it depends on whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes as to the response of your blood sugars after any type of surgery. Once your B12 levels balance and you heal more, your glucose levels should come down and stabilize. Just keep the faith, you have come through the toughest part. And by the way, you are not the oddball, you are a very unique person.
Carolyn 72
Hey Carolyn
Thanks so much for your post. I tell you this experience is new everyday.
I have to tell you I almost feel like myself today, so that B12 shot was the right thing to do. I have some energy!
Also thanks for the info on the Glucose levels. I am worried, today at fasting I was 309. SCARY! I am takig the meds, and will just keep praying on it.
I feel like an oddball let me tell you, but I guess I can use "unique"

I am no expert on Diabetes, I was insulin dependent with both of my pregnancies, but that was 4 years ago. What I can tell you is that your blood sugar will go up when you take any kind of pain meds and if you are in any pain or stress. After I had my surgery, my bs levels went up quite a bit too. My doctor at the time told me not too worry about it too much(yeah right) that they will stabilize, and after a couple of weeks they did. Hope any of that helps, also with the B-12, my levels were fine until I was 1 year post op and then they dropped. I now take 1000mg daily sublingual. I would be interested to know if the shot that he gave you actually peps you up, because I have never really felt a differnce in my energy level.
Take Care
Hey Cathy,
I am a type two diabetic. My hemoglobin A1C was at 5, thats how under control I had it on my regiment.
Now that I have had ths surgery it is all out of whack. Like I said instead of declining it is escalating. I am praying to God it will stabalize cause this is no joke. Thanks for letting me know your experience.
Yes the B12 worked, I feel like a new human being! I got up this morning with some bounce in my step and not dragging. I would not have believed it, but yes it has made a difference.

Hi Denise, I'm what my doctor calls a "former-diabetic" so I have no info to offer on that front, but just wanted to let you know, and you probably already know this. You can do the B-12 shots yourself. I'm so spoiled, my RN friend comes to my house.....we use the excuse to get together for coffee.......and gives me the B-12 injections.
Debbie J
Denise, please let me know what you think about the liquid metformin. I am still on the pills and having to cut them into little pieces per Dr. Appel's no whole pills ever again rule. I was crushing them but it was so disgusting I'd find myself skipping them, which we all know is a big mistake. Thanks!