Former patient of Dr. Duncan
Lisa, our stories are very similar.
Duncan was my surgeon, or at least I think he was (back in January of 2002 it was not common knowledge that Duncan had a "group/team" approach, I never had a clue that anyone other than Duncan could be doing my surgery). On January 14th 2002 I had my surgery. The next day we found I had a leak (I'm a non-smoker and non-steroid taker). My leak repair was done that night. The gates of Hell opened after that.
To make a long story short. I spent 45 days in ICU at Atlanta Medical Center, which we all know, is across the street from Duncan's office. Not once during my 45 day stay in ICU did Duncan come to see me, nor did he speak to my family who spent 45 days and nights in the ICU waiting area. Had Duncan taken just 5 minutes to speak with my family and let them know that he was taking care of me, I would not feel as if I had been abandoned by my surgeon.
During my 45 days in ICU (33 of which I spent on a ventilator) I had staph infections, chest tubes, blood tranfusions, many other things that I don't even want to think about.
After 45 days I was transferred to a rehab hospital. I had lost the ability to walk and had to relearn to walk again.
All in all I spent over 3 months in various hospitals, during the three months I never saw or heard from my surgeon, Duncan.
After my release from the rehab hospital on April 12th I was sent home with a feeding tube still in place. On April 18th I went to Duncan's office to have the tube removed. The staff doctor, not Duncan, who came into the exam room wanted to know why I was there and I thought I was going to have to keep my husband's head from exploding. She had no clue what had taken place with me, obviously nothing was noted in my file. HEELLLOO!! That was the last time I ever set foot in his office.
Those of you who have had a good experience with Duncan's office, I'm very glad for you, and I don't wish what happened to me on anyone. I went through Hell and survived. I'm lucky to be alive and grateful to be where I am today, and like Lisa, I would do it again, but I would chose a different surgeon.
I am very honest and share my story so that other's are aware of what can happen, and because of this, I have been contacted by several different patients of this practice, who have similar stories to mine.
I just want people to know that Lisa is not alone. I would never question Duncan's surgical ability, but my experince shows me that he was not there for me, when I needed him the most.
I have heard your story before and was mortified. I am truly sorry for those of you that had bad experiences with them.
I am just curious...did you husband DEMAND to speak with Dr Duncan? I mean if you were under the impression that he did your surgery I would think that if he didn't show up someone would go looking for him and demand an explanation.
After I heard your story I brought it to their attention that I wanted to be certain that if something should happen that I would be well cared for by him. I told them that I wasn't interested using that practice if I wasn't guaranteed. I instructed my Aunt that if something should happen and he didn't come to speak with her that she was to go tap dance on his head until he responded appropriately.(and belive me she would. she's 4'11 and full of ***** when need be
Their practice did assure me that I was a valueable patient and that they assured me that they would do everything to make sure I was well taken care of.
I can only say what I would do but I would've marched myself into his office as soon as I was able and DEMANDED an explantion about the lack of care.
I believe that the patient/Surgeon relationship is a two way street. The Surgeon has expectations of us and us of them.
I am glad to hear you are doing well.

Wow Tonya am I reading this right? Are you blaming Debbie for Dr. Duncan's not coming to see her??? This is unreal, I know of several of his patients that this has happened to you act like each story you read is the ONLY one, give me a break. She was the patient he was the doctor it is his responsibility to go see her or her husband in the hospital.
So I guess you are also saying that you are a valuable patient and Debbie and Lisa are not, why because they were unfortunate enough to have complications??? You have been lucky enough to not have to walk in their shoes please give it a rest and don't act like Dr. Duncan has no responsibility here. My surgeon would never behave like this, I know I had complications too.
Hazel, I have been reading your updates as well. If I had the complications that you have had (not Dr. Duncan for those reading), I would be very upset with my surgeon, though I truly know that he is not responsible. I also believe that Dr. Duncan is not the "reason" for Debbie and Lisa's complications. This is a dangerous surgery. We have to know this when we go into it. Criticizing after care is understandable, but no one should criticize Dr. Duncan's success rate. The man does know his stuff, as does his team. That's the main reason that I chose this practice. I also chose him because of the instruments that he uses, etc. When Debbie mentions the others who have contacted her because of complications, I would bet that that percentage is the same if not better than the other surgeons' records. I am very thankful that Dr. Duncan and his staff do many surgeries. Each operation is more experience. Again, the nurses and other hospital staff at Atlanta Medical Center have GREAT respect for Dr. Duncan and his practice, and there are many satisfied patients who do not share your opinion. Like Tonya, I did have the benefit of Debbie's story, and I also had many other stories to consider as well. I am thankful for that fact.
I never said that Dr. Duncan was not a great surgeon, I feel very strongly that he is, I also feel that some of the problems/complications that some of his patients are having could have been avoided if he just had better aftercare.
This is a risky surgery, and you are implying that my surgeon did something wrong to cause my complications when I know that is not true, complications happen and people need to know that. Debbie never said that he caused her complications, he just was not there for her and her family during and after them. I feel that how your surgeon behaves in the crisis is just as important as his surgical skills.
Like I said I am happy for those that have never had to walk in the complication shoes, and if you have never had a complication then you have no idea what it feels like, I on the other had know first hand what it is like to have a complication, and have my surgeon, drop what he is doing and run to take care of me. Not because I am more special than another patient but because I am his patient and he takes it very personal when something goes wrong.
No one is disputing that Dr. Duncan has a great success rate, but why do you all feel the need to act like these stories are not true or exaggerated, can't these people just tell their stories so that people can make choices knowing all the facts. No surgeon is perfect but when you come to OH Dr. Duncan has a great following, and so the people out there that have less than wonderful stories feel that they can't talk about it here.
Personally I wanted to know the good and the bad about my surgeon before my surgery.
I would NEVER imply that I was more valuable then anyone else. I was fortunate that I didn't have to test his aftercare and I am grateful for that. I am truly sorry for Lisa or anyone else that has had complications whether it be with Dr Duncan or not. Hearing Lisa's story gave me the forwarning to ensure that I had addressed and readdressed my concerns and fears. If nothing else, her story did help me empower myself to stand up let them know what I expected as a patient.
I am not blaming Lisa for Dr Duncan not coming to see her either. You are right when you say he should have been the one to take responsibility enough to see to her. I don't know the whole story behind that but it upset me terribly when I heard that. I just asked if her husband or anyone demanded an explanation. That is something that I, myself could not let go.
To go 45 days in the hospital and 3 months in a rehab and never see your surgeon....I would think someone would go asking. That's all I'm saying.
But, I do believe that the other Drs in the practice did check on her and care for her. Am I correct in that? Did they take good care of her??
Hi Debbie!
Sorry you had all the problems that you did. It is encouraging in a sense to know that you are not the only one. In my personal opinion, Duncan is a good surgeon but his after care is what just agrevated the sand out of me. I am not a winer or do I complain about things... but you know there are just times when you body tells you something is wrong and your doctor treats you like you are an idot..... I hope things are going much better for you.
I know that life since the problems has been fantastic and I am thankful that I had the surgery done. My husband has thought about it as well but he is truly afraid after watching everything I went thru. I had no idea how close to death's door I was until a dear dear friend had the exact same complication and spent many, many months in various hospitals and recovery programs such as yourself.
I just want to make people think twice about their decisions and to not make them hastily because when we all reach that point we are so desparete for any solution we grasp on to anything for dear life, me included.
Take care!!
This is such a beautiful response. I too have seen the light after them telling me to lose 50 more pounds and seeing a woman who weighed more than myself walk through the door and was getting the surgery. I also was told to go back for spot weight checks and they want to charge me $25 just to weigh in. I thought this was absolutely absurd. I hope that your comments help others wake up. He is undoubtably all about the MONEY, and nothing else. I really feel like a heard of cattle, just being run through the mill. Thanks a whole bunch.