Former patient of Dr. Duncan
Hi All,
Have just joined this site and have been reading some of the previous post and felt compelled to add a little of my history.
I am three years post-op this past July. I had my surgery in Atlanta and have recently relocated to Kentucky... in case anyone might wonder about the location.
I had my surgery and things really did not start off on the right foot...
I had my surgery a Peidmont Hospital. I never saw Dr. Duncan the day of my surgery and neither did my husband. I did not get back to my room until 10 p.m. that night. They kept telling my husband I was on my way up... needless to say I finally did show up about 4 or 5 hours after my surgery. My poor husband thought something had gone wrong and they were not telling him something. I can honestly say that I would have felt the same way had it been him instead of me. I finally saw Dr. Duncan on the morning that I was going home.....
Things were going pretty well until I hit the 9 wk post op mark. While on vaction in Michigan I had to have emergency surgery for an incarcerated hernia with a bowel obstruction.
I had a visit to Dr. Duncan's office on Thursday before leaving on vacation and was told everything was fine...I did not see Dr. Duncan. It seemed that I very rarely saw him but yet he was supposed to be my doctor???? well let me tell you... it wasn't fine...... When I first started getting sick I went to a local hospital and was sent home. Told that if it got worse to come back.... I threw up ALL night long. So early the next morning I called Dr. Duncan's office to see what I should do. Dr. Miller called me back and told me to come to the office. I told her I was in Michigan, she advised to see my family physican???? I have not lived in my home town for 15 years...I no longer had a family physician. Anyway I proceded to a different hospital that was larger and had experienced staff (WLS). They did emergency surgery on me at 7 p.m. that night. The surgeon in Michigan said had I waited another 8 to 10 hours I would have been dead!!!!
I was released from the hospital 6 days later. I got out on a Sunday so first thing Monday morning I called Dr. Duncan's office to make an appointment to see him (the dr. in Michigan would not release me to go to work several weeks later forcing me to see my dr. in Atlanta). I explained office staff what all I had just been through... I had to wait for 2 weeks to see him.
When I finally got to the office I asked Dr. Duncan if Dr. Miller had advised him that I had called with complications? He said, No, did you tell her to?" I should not have had to tell a doctor to inform another doctor that one of his paitent's called with complications!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Needless to say I was very upset being treated this way. I was given the impression that I mattered as a patient and the only thing they were worried about was me talking to other patients!!!!!!!! They rushed me to the back room right away (this was the only time I got in quickly)
I hated going to his office... even though I had an appointment time and was expected to be on time for that appointment... I never once saw Dr. Duncan when I was scheduled to. I always had to wait at least 2 to 3 hours. This is wrong... I work just like everyone in that office and I was taking time off my job to see him. If I had been late or had not shown they would have still charged me for the office visit... why not expect the same courtesy back from the doctors. The other thing that bothered me was I made the appointment to see Dr. Duncan, not one of his associates......
Everyone needs to know that there are risks!!!!!!! I thought that Dr. Duncan was the greatest person on the face of the earth because he was giving me back my life....... after everything I have been through I can truly say that he is only doing this for the money!!!!!!!!! That's the reason he has group meetings now.... does anyone ever question the fact that he charges you or your insurance company for an office visit?? An office visit is for you.... not you and 20 other people!!!
Dr. Duncan is a good surgeon and he does know what he is doing BUT...... his aftercare is sorely lacking. Even after everything I had been through with both sugeries I had a third scare and he would not return my call. I called at 10 in the morning and by 4 that afternoon I still had not heard from him. I called the office again and finally 45 minutes later he called. When I explained what was going on.... his response was well, I guess if it is still bothering you in the morning... I suppose we could work you in............. I was so truly hurt at his response. That was when I really came to understand that it is all about the money!!!!! I was mislead in a lot of area and granted this is my own fault because I , (like so many others was looking for a miracle chance to get my life back) I should have done more research. I can honestly say that I would never go back to Dr. Duncan.... in fact I did not even finish with all my follow up visits (that were already paid for in advance) and do you think anyone from his office called to see what was up???? Not one.... they had the cash.... I no longer mattered.... it just made room for a new paying patient.
Please anyone doing this surgery needs to have as much information as possible. There are complications and risks with every procedure an individual has performed.... but you are entitled to excellent follow up care. No doctor should ever make a patient feel that they do not matter and that is exactly how I felt. This is a life changing operation and we as individuals are going to have questions, scares, etc. and they should ALL matter. That is part of his responsibility as a physician. I don't want to talk to someone that does not know me from adam's house cat.... I want to talk to someone who was in the operating room with me.....
I know of other's who have used Dr. Duncan and had more severe complications than I did and he has also had some that have not survived the initial surgery.... do a lot of checking and rechecking and rechecking before making your decision. Knowledge is the only power we have. Unfortunately there is not a sight that you can get details of problems on doctors but they can get them on us.... why is that??? Should that not be the other way around???
I guess I am just wanting to make people aware of my situation as food for thought. I had done a lot of research and I still made a wrong choice.
Even with the complications I would do the surgery again in a heart beat but I would not use Dr. Duncan.
Thanks for letting me sound off.
Skinny hugs!!
Lisa, hey and thanks for the update! I ve heard things like that from other patients of his. When I first started this I was attempting to use DR. Henderson in Brunswick but for convience reasons went to Macon to Dr. Williams. Dr. Williams decided to keep lying to me about when I could have surgery and every week that it was time I was put off again! So after 4 changes I prayed and God lead me back to Dr. Henderson and that was the best I could have ever done! I hope you are doing great after the surgery. I had mine done on 3-15-04! So I know I still have a way to go but its coming along! Please keep us posted and thanks again for the input. Kerri
When I went for my first appointment I asked if Dr. Duncan would be there, I was advised that he would infact be there. I got there and never even saw Dr. Duncan. I was then put back into a room was about 6 other people and we sat and talked to an associate. I thought well ok after this we will see Dr. Duncan, wrong answer. Then was told I must lose weight after I had been told at his siminar by him that my weight would not be an issue and that he had performed this surgery on people ranging from 700-800 pounds. Needless to say after travel 150 miles I was a little upset that I never got to talk with him and to be told I must lose weight anywhere from 50-100 pounds. I'm sorry you had such a bad time.
Lisa, First let me say that i am sorry you had such an expeirience with dr. duncans office.... I knew going in that he had a team and that i would not see him one on one alot... I did see him after surgery , that is the only time i have saw him .. It really doesnt matter to me, his staff has been wonderfull and and so have his associates..I tell everyone looking at this office that they tell you , they are a team and you dont know who you will see.... They are not for everyone, but I am very happy and thrilled with the care and after care that I have recieved..... good luck to you....
Hi Lisa,
Do they know what caused you to have the problem? I'm sorry you had a bad experience.
I am using Dr. Duncan's office and have been happy with everything so far. When I had my consultation appt. the dr. (Wilson) I was seeing had to step out and take a call from a patient having problems. I could hear the conversation (it was right outside my door) and the dr. seemed very kind and concerned with the patients problem. I hope that none of his current or future patients go thru what you had to endure. I am glad you are doing well now and that you don't regret your surgery.

Bowel obstructions can happen to anyone. As WLS patients it is a very real possibilty b/c any time you have an operation or have been obese the stomach lining is weakened. Part of the bowel can become stuck into one of the puncture wounds or hernias and cause an obstruction.
All we can do is know the signs of a bowel obstruction and watch for it and react immediately if it happens. I had my surgery with Dr Duncan but live 2 hrs away. I established a relationship with a gastro Dr when I was going through my -ologists appts and discussed strictures and bowel obstructions with him. I now know that if it should happen I have a Dr to call on.
Hey Lisa
I am sorry you had a bad experence with him ...I used Duncan and so did my mother ...And to say this knock on wood i have had no issues with him or his office ...I never have seen him but i also knew going in that i might not ...That to me did not matter cause i knew from repetation that they were the best in ATL ....And my mother had a few issues but they were pretty much on top of things .....i mean the typical ER and process of elemitation of what is going on i am sorry that you had such a bad time ...But i think people should know that Duncan is not like with everyone ........

I am so sorry you've had such a bad time with Dr. Duncan's office. That would surely upset me too.
I have had nothing but positive experiences with their office.
I chose his office knowing that he works on a "Team" concept... Dr Duncan, Dr Hobson, and Dr Johnson, but it's not for everyone. I met Dr Duncan when he came down here to Warner Robins in February and I was able to talk to him one on one. He also did my pre-op and I requested that he do my surgery. He also came to visit me in the hospital after surgery. I was upfront on what I expected from him and his office as a patient and so far they have respected that.
Some people don't like the fact that most of his visits are with a group. I, for one like this approach. I have been able to meet with the Dr one on one as well as sit in a group and hear the questions that others have. I find it comforting to be surrounded by others that are at the same point of their journey as I. There have been questions asked that I never thought to ask and hopefully the questions I had were able to benefit others.
I know Dr Duncan has mentioned that he has operated on people with very high BMIs.
I know that he does has changed that and decided that he won't operate on anyone with a BMI higher than 50(I believe). Maybe he isn't comfortable or doesn't feel confident.
I appreciate the fact that he sets limits for himself. He is letting his patients know where he is comfortable and where he is not. He needs to be 100% upfront with that info so as to not disappoint and lead anyone my opinion.
I don't believe Dr. Duncan is only in this for the money. I know he has operated on people for free. I have also met a women that he did for free to save her life.
The profits from the sales of the Juiceplus go into a fund to help others. I admire that in him.
I know everyone's situation is different. But I have had a wonderful experience with them thus far and just wanted to share this with others.
Dear Lisa,
I am very sorry about your complications. I do want people to know that your outcome is not the norm for Dr. Duncan and Associates. I am one very satisfied patient who would highly recommend Peachtree Bariatrics to anyone. Dr. Hobson performed my surgery In fact, many of the nurses at Atlanta Medical Center have sent their own family members and friends to this group. That says a lot to me. They see behind the scenes and have confidence in his practice.
I do agree that people should become educated about their surgeon or surgeons of choice. I knew that Peachtree Bariatrics used a team approach. I also knew that my primary physician would become my main doctor after the surgery. I was told this by the surgeons at my visits. Everyone needs to know the good and bad in order to make an informed decision.
Thanks for allowing us to share as well!!!