On my way.....
Hi eveyone,
About ready to start my prep for tomorrow is the day, my new birthday! Sorry I have been so quiet lately. Thank you to everyone for their prayers and thoughts. She made it. They found the problem and were able to fix it. She is now at home with a health care nurse and her best friend my Dad.
The hospital called me and advised that my surgery time has changed. So I am scheduled to have it at 9:30 am instead of noon. Yea I think. My husband will be driving me up tomorrow am. We have to leave now by 6am. I am so not a morning person so this will be a challenge for me to get up and not be ill as a hornet without coffee...lol....
Wil try to have him log on and update when we know something.
Want to thank everyone who posts and answers postings. Without yea I would not have the peace that I do going into this. This site and GA board is awesome. We all have issues and concerns. Yet we also pass on the good stuff too for all of us to celebrate.
Can't wait to meet all of you. Tonya L I swear I will be at the next meeting!!!! I haven't forgotten will really need it now. To Atl gang I will try and get up there the next girls night out.


I am so happy for you and your family. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. If you want I can post for you if you want to give me a number to contact your hubby. You are in my thoughts and prayers and I will see you on the losers bench on Wednesday. God bless you and yours, Theresa