Well I received the word today from BCBS that they have denied me due to not being medically necessary.....hmmmm I have diabetes and sleep apnea...back problems etc! Called Dr D's office and Joyce told me to wait till they receive the letter and we will go from there. My PCP even wrote a letter in the very beginning stating this was medically necessary.
I am so pissed off right now!!!!! 

So what do I do now? I dont know! I guess wait and see what Dr D's office says.

Hi Kim,
I sense that you are really upset and that is natural. I would like to attempt to give you some encouragement so you don't get toooo down.
Many Insurance companies do not seem to give approvals easy .. they hope that you will give up .. but don't give into that feeling. You will want to follow the Appeal Process when you get your "denial" letter. You may have one more "Denial" process after this first notice.
Keep documentation of all of the letters you have sent to your Insurance Company. Ask your Doctor and Surgeon to give you copies of any letters, patient files and Diagnostic tests that they have submitted to your Insurance company.
In the past three years since I have researched WLS ... you may have to take your "Appeal" to the stage where you go before a "Human" panel of medical personnel to make your presentation.
I have not hear of anyone who took their appeal to the "Human" panel and was then turned down for surgery ... but you will need to make sure you have all of the necessary paperwork and documentation showing the "Medical Necessity" for the surgery.
One negative side of Insurance Companies .. they try to save resources ... and deny some requests ... they hope that you will not be moved to "fight" their denial but give up .. thereby saving them money ....
Right now, it is understandable to be pissed off and discouraged ... but take a deep breath ... and gather steam to give them the fight of their life .... you can and will make it ....
You are in my thoughts and prayers ...
If I can be of any additional help or encouragment, please contact me.
1 year Post Op
Down 201 pounds