Just got off the phone with Leon, Harriett's husband. She is out of her 2nd surgery, but the family has not yet been able to visit with her.
The doctors did not find anything that stood out, but as Leon put it, "they found some things that were out of place, so they corrected those things". (?)
Her blood pressure appears to be holding steady now, however the doctor is concerned about her kidneys, and the dr. has requested a renal specialist to come in, as they do not want her kidneys to shut down.
Please continue your prayers and positive thoughts, and let's do our part to help bring Harriett and her family through this.
Thanks to you all.
My earlier post:
I just got a call from Harriett's husband, and Harriett has had a set back, and is going back into surgery. Her blood pressure is very low, and they cannot determine the cause.
He is clearly upset, and he said the surgeon could not give him any positive assurances until they go back in....
PLEASE STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING, and offer a prayer, or positive thought in Harriett's direction!!!